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the previous night, mike and violet had spent their time together watching movies before violet had gotten tired and needed to head home.

today, violet had wanted max to meet the party. she had told max to meet up with them at lucas's after school, she agreed.

the party sat on various logs, violet and mike on one together while violet's leg bounced up and down anxiously. mike noticed and quickly placed his hand on her leg, stopping it. "hey, calm down, okay?" he moved his hand to the log, scanning her soft face. "so, what exactly is this 'surprise'?"

"awe, you didn't tell him about me yet?" said a familiar voice to both lucas and violet.

violet jumped up and grinned at the girl, she hugged her tightly. "you came!"

"i told you i would," the redhead giggled, "why would i ditch you?"

violet shrugged and led max over to them formally. "okay guys, this is max, short for maxine. she's madmax in the arcade."

she smiled, waving.

violet pointed and said each of their names in the order they say from left to right. "will, lucas, dustin and mike. my boyfriend."

each had gave her a smile and wave, lucas winking as well at his snowball partner. except mike.

mike didn't do anything, instead he sat quiet and still, slumping over slightly, he didn't even look up but once which was when violet said his name, and he didn't look too happy to see max. had they met before?

"so we were just talking about our plans-"

"we were talking about what we're having for dinner," mike interrupted, crossing his arms while sitting on them as he sluggishly leaned over.

the boys and violet look strangely at mike, max just confused. mike slides a glare towards the boys but smiles innocently at violet.

"oh. right," violet mumbled, looking down in pure confusion and sadness. max went over and sat next to lucas, lucas sending her heart eyes.


the entire time, mike acted coldly towards the newest girl to him. he would subtly mumble things to himself but no one could hear. violet noticed his actions and was beyond dissapointed.

the boys went home, lucas went inside but violet and mike were just now leaving lucas's home. violet crossed her arms, ignoring mike's calls for her.

"violet? hey, violet! violet!"

violet stopped in her tracks and snapped her head towards him. "what?"

"what is it? why are you mad at me?"

she clenched her fists by her sides and she looked at him, giving a 'are you serious' look. "seriously? why am i mad at you? mike you were so rude towards max for no reason!"

he gave her a realization look and then looked down, gulping.

"look at me," she commanded, staring him down.

his eyes slowly shift up back to her, his mouth open slightly. his eyebrows shifted lower. "we don't want anyone else in the group."

"what? mike, she's my-"

"i said what i said, and i meant it. we don't need her. she'll just be a distraction and a bother," mike cut her off, violet's head sunk back. she was hurt.

"oh," she scoffed, her glare sharpening. "she'll be a bother? a distraction? like i was mike? or am i still the same thing to you?" violet clenched her fists even tighter, her nails close to digging into the skin before she remembered to breathe and let go.

thin green vines began curling around her hands and rising up her wrists.

"no, i don't think that at all, i-" mike takes a quick look at her hands, his eyes widening a little. "violet, your hands-"

"what? are you afraid of me, mike? so afraid that you're gonna leave me?" violet's tone was deeper than usual, not the usual soft tone it was.

"no!" mike yelled, grabbing the sides of her arms. violet felt her hands lightly spread out and the vines dissapearing from her hands. "i don't think that at all, vi. if you would've just let me explain."

"yeah, okay mike. whoever i meet isn't as important as the 'original party.' i'm not as great at eleven ever was, i'm boring. i control dumb plants. and when i meet new people, they aren't allowed to join our 'group,' right?"

"violet, stop-"

"no, it's fine," she sniffled, tears filling her eyes as one slipped down her cheek. "you don't have to say it, mike. i'm.. i'm gonna go. maybe we.. weren't ready for a relationship yet.. we're kids."

mike tried lifting his hands to her face but violet shook her head, pushing him off lightly and taking off towards her own home.

violet tried wiping her tears as she ran so she could see clearly, making it home and shutting the door behind her. she shuffled upstairs and slammed her door shut, sniffling and falling down against her door.

"i'm okay," she choked, "i'm fine." she slowly pulled her legs in, setting her head on her knees.


mike huffed and realized his mistakes. he shook it off and went to grab his mike, biking towards violet's house.

he knew he needed to apologize for his actions today. she probably hated him now. he felt her words cluttering his thoughts.

"maybe we.. weren't ready for a relationship yet.. we're kids.

"i mean, ever since i got here, i could never let go of you. i kept trying to impress you and hoping that you'd like me even in the slightest bit. but you hated my guts, my entire body and soul."

he thought she was absolutely beautiful that night. her blue eyes shined brightly into his. her hair falling past her shoulders while her dress fell past her knees. she was stunning to him.

and with that, he had reached her house, tossing his bike down and rushing to the door. he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, knocking on the door gently. mike hadn't noticed but he was shaking terribly.

"who is it?" a voice asked through the door, it was slightly muffled so mike had guessed it was violet.

"it's- it's mike," mike stammered, biting his lip.

the door opened, it was violet's mother. "oh, hello."

"uh, who.. are you?" mike wondered, hoping he didn't sound rude.

she laughed, leaning against the doorframe and looking at the boy. "i could ask you the same thing. i'm violet's mother, and you are?"

"her b- her friend. uh, mike. mike wheeler." he hadn't known if her mother knew. he reached out for her hand and shook it.

"ah, well, it's nice to meet you." she smiled warmly. "if you're looking for violet, tough luck, she's gone."

mike's heart dropped because he assumed the worse but he shook it off and looked up at her. "uh, left, right? where may i ask? if you know."

"yes, she isn't dead dear!" she laughed. "just left. something about a quarry or rocks i believe."

"shit," mike mumbled quietly, "thank you," he hurriedly said, heading to his bike and driving off quickly.

he pedaled as fast as he could, heading to the specific quarry that eleven once saved him at. maybe it was his turn to save someone.

he arrived near the cliff itself, throwing his bike down. he creeped around a large rock, hearing sobbing and mumbling. mike saw the girl hunched over.

"i screwed up, haven't i?"

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