The Hunter

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I awoke in the Shizen Forest. I was in wolf form, a silver wolf with one blue eye and one brown eye. The only way you could tell me apart from a normal wolf was that my tail was longer than average, so that it was the same length it would be had wolves had cat tails.

We always went into animal form before sleeping, just in case a human should stumble upon us. We also, just to be safe, had to hide whatever trait it was that made us different from other animals our breed. For Ichi it was that her legs were a bit long for a fox. Which actually makes a lot of sense, since she's really tall in her human form. Really, I'm the only one out of us three whose trait has nothing to do with what I look like without the wolf mixed in. Irii's trait is that it seemed as if there was a wall of glass between you and her eyes, which makes sense, considering that she wears glasses in her human form.

However, if humans come across a wolf, a cat, and a fox sleeping together, they would probably wonder why the wolf hadn't eaten the other two yet. So, therefore, we had to separate a little bit before we decided it was safe to fall asleep. So from what I could remember, Irii was across the river from here, and Ichi was down the hill. I decided to head to get Irii first.

I perked up my ears and listened for the sound of rushing water. I heard it a little ways to the left, and followed the sound until I had finally reached a river about three yards across, and two feet deep. And there, just on the other side, was a small Himilayan cat with blue eyes. Irii was already awake, and was getting a drink from the river. She looked up and saw me.

"Iko?" she asked. "Is that you?" It was perfectly logical for her to ask that, since if an ordinary wolf was where I was now, she would be doomed. It was then that I remembered today's date. April 1st. April Fool's Day.

I stopped walking and tilted my head, pretending to be confused. "Who's Iko, Breakfast?" Irii's eyes widened as she began to back away. Her fur was standing up on end, and her ears were all the way back. She started hissing.

"Get away, wolf!" she yelled. "I refuse to be your breakfast!" She started running and I chased her. We made it a good 50 yards before Irii started slowing down.

Suddenly, I heard someone shout, "Stop!" I looked behind me, and there was Ichi. She wasn't in fox form, surprisingly. Probably because, since the two thought I was a real wolf, I would get too confused to attack Irii. Ichi had blonde hair, green eyes, and red fox ears and tail. She wore a green long-sleeved shirt and jeans. At that point, I couldn't take it anymore. This prank was too priceless. I started laughing as I transformed into my human form. I had reddish-brownish-orangeish hair with a single red streak coming down from where my yellow barrette kept my hair out of my face. My tail stayed just as long, but instead of keeping it straight, like I normally did as a wolf, I curled it in. I wore a light blue long-sleeved shirt and black leggings.

"I'm sorry," I said, still laughing. "I just couldn't help myslelf. I did have a reason, though. Today's April Fool's Day."

Irii transformed into her human form, a short girl with white hair and blue eyes with big, rounded glasses like Harry Potter's. She wore a blue sweatshirt and black leggings. Her cat ears and tail were brown, except on her tail, it stayed white until a few inches away from the tip, like it did in her cat form. "That wasn't funny, Iko," she said, annoyed. "I thought you were a real wolf."

"Technically, I am a real wolf," I said. Ichi growled in frustration.

"What happened to the Iko who begged for her punishment to be even worse than it is now, huh? What happened to the Iko who literally got down on her knees and begged the Illuminati to spare us, and make her own punishment worse? What happened to that Iko?" she asked. "Pranking us? Not okay. In fact, it's even worse than pranking us. You pranked Irii. Irii, of all people. In fact, I wouldn't be yelling at you now had you pranked me instead," she said.

I put my hands up, as if to surrender. "Alright, I get it," I said. "It's just...Irii was so cautious, and then I remembered what day it was. I needed to do something for today. Anyway, shouldn't we go hunting now?" Ichi shook her head.

"After that, you're hunting. We're not helping," she said.

"Okay, but don't blame me when you her what I like to eat and nothing else."

"That's just too bad for me, then, I guess."

"Yes. It is."

"Just go."


On that note, I headed back over the river to the place where I always found my favorite meals. There were always birds, deer, sometimes, if I was lucky, there was even a moose!

Just as I was about to pounce, the moose fell over. Upon closer examination, I saw that it had an arrow in its back. There were humans here. Humans that wanted my food. Humans that knew I was here.

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