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Three months. I've been waiting for this day for whole three months after they announced the date for the premier and now that it's here I feel sick to my stomach. Not out of fear but out of pure excitement. Today is the day that Mockingjay part 2 comes out and I've got tickets to the premier in Los Angles.

Now, I live in Florida but it was either New York or Los Angles and I'm pretty sure the tickets to New York were more expensive...I was wrong it's about $200 less in New York. Too late to change my tickets now. Good thing I been saving up money since Catching Fire so I still have money left over for the plane ticket and hotel room.

"Michelle are you ready it's almost time to leave. The plane leaves in a hour and we still have to get there ahead of time to clear customs and eat something!"

"Yea Katie calm down just give me a minute to pack a few last minute things"

Michelle, you see, is my best friend and that's the only reason why I'm not really pissed off right now. I hate being late to anything! We made a pact a few years ago, after we saw Catching Fire together, that we would save up all our money so that we could go the premier of the final movie. Why? I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but as the years went by it got harder and harder to stay away from that money.

Michelle even at one point had to take the money and hide it from me because I wanted this tattoo really bad... she's terrible at hiding things, I found my money and went out got the tattoo anyway. She wouldn't talk to me for a week afterwards, but I made it up to her by promising I would not use any of the birthday money I got that year.

"The cab is here!"

I race down the stair with my polkadot suitcase in hand. I've had this suitcase packed for a week in advance, all new outfits. It took me a month to pick all of them out because I just wanted this trip to be perfect. We're staying for two weeks but the premiere is later tonight.

I walk outside and I'm immediately blinded by the bright yellow color of the cab.

"C'mon Katie he's already started the meter!"

Really?! It's half an hour to the airport! That's going to be so fucking expensive! Doesn't he know I'm on a tight budget as it is. Fucking inconsiderate cab people.

"Where to Ma'am?"

I tell him to address to the airport I wrote on my hand in case I forgot which was a good choice on my end because my head was so full of thoughts that I would have forgotten.

The driver was trying to make small talk the whole way there, but to be honest, I couldn't hear him over Michelle's constant yapping and of course it's about the same topic it alway is. Liam Hemsworth. I swear she has not shut up about him since the first movie came out. She was team Gale from the start and I couldn't really care less. It's not that I didn't like the books, quite the opposite really, I loved the books, I just didn't like how everyone had to choose a team to be on. The book wasn't about a love triangle, it was about a girl fighting for her life and fighting for her freedom. Though, I have to be honest, when I was put on the spot I did choose team Peeta because in the books he was just so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness.

I daydream the rest of the ride until I see the airport approaching. I take a quick glance at my watch and almost scream.

"Michelle there's no time to eat, we only have five minutes until the plane starts boarding!"

I would have laughed at how her eyes widened and her face turned pale if I wasn't already having a mini panic attack myself. If we don't make our plane then we have to get on next flight and if we get on the next flight, whenever that is, we would miss the premier and that's the whole reason we are going on this trip in the first place!

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