To Die,

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Ben Solo's POV

Rey told me of the island Luke hid away on. She thought it would be the perfect place to lie low for a bit and train until we actually began to train the Padawan. My father said to train Rey, but by the looks of it, she doesn't need any training. She's skilled and cunning, quick to sense danger, and is great at resisting me when I try to use the force against her. I don't think there is any way I can train her more. Right now we are sitting on the edge of one of the cliff's overlooking the water. Rey is smiling, grinning even as we look at the landscape. 

"This place truly is beautiful," She says while watching the waves crash below us.

"Almost as beautiful as you..." I respond, smiling down at her gorgeous face.

She looks up at me and kisses me quickly on the lips before blushing and looking back at the water. I laugh at just how adorable she looks, then kiss her on the cheek lightly. Everything is calm for once. I can feel it in my body and in my bones, the galaxy is at peace.

For now at least, until new power arises and we are pulled back under again. Back in the chess game that the galaxy has for us, using us as it's pawn. We'll just be looted for our power, till nothing else remains of us but flesh and bone.

I must have had a weird expression on my face because Rey asks me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say, shaking my head to dislodge the dark thoughts I was thinking.

"Your nose was all scrunched up in deep concentration...what were you thinking about?" She asks me, leaning her head on my shoulder. 

Maybe I was swooning, it wouldn't be beneath me. Rey is always beneath me, by four inches. 


I almost fell off the edge of the cliff, but I used my hand to hold me upright (and maybe a bit of the force). She looks at me with wonder and tenderness in her eyes. I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to be her's. I didn't know if I was her anything.....all I knew is that I enjoyed her love. I have to tell her the truth, it will only make our relationship stronger.

"I was just thinking about what might happen if The First Order or The Resistance finds us here..." I whisper softly.

"If it's The Resistance they'll cart you off and kill me, and if it's The First Order, they'll probably kill both of us. It's all the simple," She says, trying to make it sound like not a big deal. 

"I won't let that happen, with both of us working together I bet we could fend off The Resistance AND The First Order at the same time," I say, looking into her gorgeous eyes. 

She looks away from me so I can no longer bask in all her glory, "They'll both come for us, and when they do you know they will try to kill both of us and each other..."

"Rey, you are the strongest person I know. People would have rid themselves if they tried to live your life, you are so capable of doing anything your heart desires, and I adore that about you," I say and she blushes furiously. 

I put my arm around her bringing her closer to me. Below us, the salty sea spray crashes against the cliff with a sound like thunder. Ray leans her head against me tentatively, as if she was scared I would lash out.

"I would never hurt you, Rey," I say, just in case she worries, "It would hurt me too much..."

Rey's POV

Suddenly a loud rumble filled the air. I stood up immediately, looking at the sky for the source of the sound. Ben gets up as well, obviously annoyed something disturbed our little moment together. Above a humungous, First Order ship flies in, next to it is an average size Resistance fighter. Ben and I look at each other and then back up at the ships. 

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