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Nico started to run towards these men,but immediately stopped. I guess he forgot that I'm with him.

'I know your brother is never going to forgive me,but you have to run,because it's too dangerous for you.' He signed.

I got angry. Again someone commands me,just because 'THeY carE AboUt mE'. I glared at him and started to walk home.


I opened the door and saw Alex cleaning the living room and when she heard the door she immediately turned towards me and hugged me. I was confused.

"Hay to you too." I said and I was uncomfortable. "You worried us,El." She said hugging me tighter. And then it hit me.

Worick was worried about me....I cannot imagine what he's going to do with me...or with Nico.

"You're in some trouble." Alex said. I sighed. "Damn you act like parents! I'm a grown woman and have a life! I can take my own decision! But no! You and especially Worick have to be worried about everything I're 32 and you can go out whenever you want and do whatever you want....I'm just 3 years younger not 10.....Even though I appreciate your caring for me,I hate it." I said and went out.

"Eleonora!! WAIT!!" She yelled But was between the doorframe. "STOP!!!" I shouted and started to run. I heard her footsteps for a few seconds but then it went silent and I stopped and turned around.

It started to rain and no one was there. I have to admit it was pretty dark and I was scared,but I couldn't take it anymore.

I started to walk along the streets and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there was a man running towards me. The first thing I did was: run.

I was scared,I had to.

"Waaait!" The man yelled. "I want to help!!" He yelled again. Do I look like I need help? I need some time alone,how about that,huh?

I couldn't run anymore and stopped. Surprisingly the stranger had still followed me. "Damn you're fast." He said out of breath. I rolled my eyes.

I'm not very social when it comes to stranger or meeting new people. I sighed. "What Do you want?" I asked harshly and you could hear I wasn't in the mood for anyone right now.

"Relax. I thought you need help." He said. It didn't make sense. "How? I was running away from you and it looked like I need help?" I asked and laughed. He shrugged.

"You're pretty." He said. I furrowed. "Shut the fuck up pervert." I said and started to walk away. "Hey! I was just being honest."

I laughed sarcastically. "I didn't ask for your opinion,did I?" I asked and I felt him following me. "Damn it,can you just mind your own business?" I asked and started to walk away.

"Wait." He said and I turned around. "I'm sorry for being direct. I did really think that you need help." He said with hopefully eyes. "Okay,thank you. But now you See I don't need help." He stared at the floor.

I had sympathy with him....just a little. "You know what? You seem pretty chill....take the number and call me." I said 'the number' because it was the number of the office. He smiled.

I noticed his features and he didn't look bad,but I haven't seen him before. "And your name is-" "Eleonora." I said. "Beautiful Name." He said. "My name is Tyler." I nodded awkwardly.

Suddenly someone placed his hands on my waist and I screamed. "Hey let her go!!" Tyler yelled at him. I heard a familiar grunt. Nico.

I turned around and backed away,because I was still mad. 'Who is this?' Nico signed. "Why? Are you worried that he'll hurt me?" I asked. I was still pissed.

Nicolas Brown - GangstaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora