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"This is for you ma'am and this is for you sir," Willem said handing my mother flowers and my father an expensive bottle of wine respectively.

I was glad to see him after being apart for 3 weeks after graduation. His mother took him on a cruise to the Portuguese Islands to celebrate his graduation and he started his residency immediately after the cruise. He's been such a blessing to have in my life.

"Thank you for having me," he said as we sat down for dinner.

My family didn't waste time with the interrogation, it felt like the poor guy was forced into playing Who wants to be a millionaire, only that the host was asking personal questions and I am the million dollar price.

"Tell us about yourself young man," said my father, starting the interrogation with a light note.

"My name is Willem but you already knew that," he giggled like he usually does when he's nervous, "I'm now officially a doctor and I'm doing my residency in Cape Town. I love your daughter with every fiber in my being, I would be honoured to spend the rest of my life making her the happiest woman alive," my poor fiancé was so nervous he couldn't even fully tell my parents about himself.

"What about your parents?" asked my mother. I guess they're doing this whole detective thing with him.

"My mother raised me on her own. My father left my mother before she even knew that she was pregnant with me."

"I'm sorry to hear that. When will we get to meet your mother?"

"Well, she flew to Joburg with me but she thought it would be best you guys met me first and she would meet you guys later during the week. I hope you won't have a problem with that arrangement."

"Not at all, I'm glad you came first. If I don't like you at the end of this dinner then it won't be necessary to invite your mother," my father said while laughing in a taunting manner.

We continued to have dinner over more questions and Willem started to relax when he realized that my family meant no harm.

"I need to ask this son, when are you coming to pay lobola?" the giggles and chit chatting subsided as my father asked this question. I can't believe he expects Grobbies to pay lobola for me, he knows nothing about the black culture.

"Daddy, you can't be serious. Willem-"

"Let him speak, Kait," my dad interjected.

"That sir hadn't crossed my mind. I'm not sure how it all works."

"So you want to come all the way from Cape Town to my house to announce that you want to marry my daughter but you're not willing to follow our traditions?" Willem looked like he was about to dig a giant hole and just bury himself in there but my dad laughed and told him that he was just kidding.

"You seem like a decent guy, you have my blessing to marry my daughter."

The rest of the night was successful and I was so grateful for that. I was so glad that the important people in my life all got along.

I walked Willem to the rented car after our dinner and after kissing and cuddling for what felt like a lifetime, I finally let him drive back to the BnB he was staying at. I can't wait to finally be married to him.

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