My Eyes Are On You

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Bryan had just gotten off of work at the local grocery store. As he walked out to his car he noticed a piece of paper sitting under his windshield wiper. He hesitantly took it out and as he read the words on the piece of paper a chill ran down his spine. It said,"My eyes are on you". He quickly jumped into his car locking the doors. He could not imagine why someone would be watching him. When he got home for the first time in his life he was actually afraid to walk to his front door, but he knew he had to. As soon as he got out of the car he ran for his front door and unlocked it as quickly as he could.Upon entering the house he turned the living room light on and began to inspect every room in the house. At first he did not notice anything out of the ordinary until he got to his bathroom. As he glanced at his bathroom mirror he noticed something very scary. The mirror was fogged up as if someone had just taken a shower and considering he lived alone this was a terrifying thing. As if this wasn't enough there were the words again"My eyes are on you". Terrified beyond belief he contacted the police and they searched everywhere in the house and around it. They offered to take the note and see if they could get an id from it, but for some strange reason it was missing. All they could do at this point was watch his house for the night. As he lay down to go to sleep that night all he  could do was hear the words repeat in his head"My eyes are on you".The next day at work his boss brought him an envelope telling him that an unknown lady had left  it for him. He was scared to open it, but knew he needed to. When he got off of work and into his car he opened the envelope reading the note which was inside. It  said, My eyes are on you, they have been for sometime and tonight you will be mine. He knew at this point it was not safe to go home and this time he kept the note on hand so he could take it to the police. When he went into the police station they recognized him immediately.They said they would analyze the note , but it would take at least a couple of days so they recommended him staying with family or friends so he would be safe.As he left the police station he began to get the feeling that no matter where he went he would not be safe so he just decided to go home.Going in the house he was shaking with fear the whole way.He still could not fanthom why the lady would want to hurt him. He decided to take a hot shower to help relax him before bed.After being in the shower a few minutes he heard the door to the bathroom slowly creaking open and knew that it was his stalker. As he looked his stalker in the face he recognized her and knew why she had come for him. His last words were "I'm sorry".  As Bryan lay there dying he wished he had never stood her up and left her dateless on prom night. The next day the police went to check up on Bryan and as they entered his home they were shocked. Bryan was stabbed to death and there next to his body was a young lady who just kept repeating the words" my eyes are on you" over and over again.

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