After giving them a short greeting, he made his way to the kitchen to have an informal and quick breakfast.

He went back to Liam's room when he was finished. Once there, he grabbed the book he was reading at the time and, carefully of not waking up or hurting Liam, he crawled onto his big bed, lying beside him.

Soon, Liam's parents and Dr Crawford were in the room, sitting and talking in the small living room area of Liam's room.

"Good morning, Doc," Louis greeted, already familiar with everyone taking care of his cousin.

"Hello, Louis," He greeted back, old-age wrinkles forming around his eyes when he smiled.

Louis felt Liam stirring, "Good morning, sleepyhead," He chirped.

Liam stirred some more and grunted, "What?" and slowly opened his eyes.

Melissa was immediately by his side, taking over Vicky's job and checking everything was in order, "Good morning, sweetie," she smiled.

"Huh?" Liam was still half asleep, and didn't get why the nurse looked so different this morning.

Vicky's blond hair and pale face were now replaced by black curls and tanned skin; but both looked about the same age, probably early forties.

"She's Melissa, your morning nurse. Vicky is gone for now," Louis explained.

Liam rubbed his eyes and replied, "Good morning,"

"Melissa McCall. Nice to meet you, Liam," She smiled.

He was quickly attacked by his mother, giving him three morning kisses, "Hi, mum," He smiled.

"Hello, Liam. I'm Dr Bradley Crawford. I've been looking over you and continue to do so until you are again as healthy as a horse," He smiled, "Now, let's get started," he said as he opened the briefcase where he carried some of his tools.

And then he proceeded to check Liam. He explained everything that had happened to him. He told him that he wouldn't be able to walk for a couple of weeks, since his leg was still healing from the burn. His ribs were doing good, healing appropriately.

He said he still would have to spend another week in bed, and then they would see about the need of a wheelchair or crutches.

He finished checking him rather quickly and then they, Louis and Liam, were left alone with Melissa, since their parents couldn't be there all the time and there was no need for a doctor to be there 24/7.

"I'm glad you're better," Melissa told Liam while she fixed his pillows, "Everyone here has been worried sick about you. The whole kingdom, I'd say," she said chuckling.

"Yeah, it's great he's good now," Louis spoke, then he clicked his tongue "But he woke up in Vicky's shift. That was no fun," He whined.

Melissa put his hands on her waist, "She didn't let you prank him, did she?" she asked with an amused smile.

"Naah, she ruined it way too early. Didn't let me get a full reaction from Liam,"

"What did he do to you?" She asked Liam, still with a smile.

Liam decided he liked her better than Vicky, "He told me it had been a year since the accident," he answered furrowing his brows, "You actually scared the hell outta me,"

Melissa laughed, "You were lucky you woke up in Vicky's shift, then. Louis had meaner pranks and I was actually very tempted to let him play them to you,"

Louis and Melissa laughed while Liam whined about their conspiracy, but then his stomach made a weird noise, interrupting them.

Melissa instantly became concerned and set his nurse-mode completely on, "How are you feeling?" She asked grabbing the stethoscope to hear his organs.

My Fairytale - Larry AU boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now