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Now I don't want to say I'm athletic but I do exercise. So like m doing basketball. Why? I don't know I wanted to try something new. I'm a runner so I do track and cross country.

I play for a rec league so for my town we have a league and teams and we play against one another in our age group. But for my age group we only had two teams (only girls) and so we couldn't just keep playing the same team over and over again so we play other areas.

Now the other week we played this game against these girls who are tough I tell you, and we lost but it was an unfair game. We had 13 fouls on our team and 3 fouls on the other team. Two girls fouled out on our team that they couldn't play anymore, we had really unfair refs.

So I found out we were playing against them again today and I was like "UGHHHHHHH" but I found out they only have 5 players who showed up, which is the amount that you need on the court so they didn't have any subs so all of them had to play the whole game. Which was good for us.

Luckily we had fair refs and everything so the game went on and everything. Then in the fourth quarter the coaches daughter (the other team not mine) didn't like the call the refs made on her about whatever and a player on my team. She looked like she was about to fight our player and she looked pretty serious. She kept cussing us out with the F word and yeah I know everyone says it but seriously it's just a game people don't need to cuss us out for us doing what we're supposed to do. We kept playing and whatever and then the same player on our team she got fouled out and had to sit on the bench and not play anymore.

I was sitting on the bench because so got subbed out cuz I was playing a lot of the game. Now we had 16 seconds left of the game when the refs called something that the other coach didn't like so he starts yelling. Now at this point we're confused cuz the coach starts yelling and then yells at his daughter and everything. His daughter was yelling at our player again either way she wasn't playing and looked like she wanted to fight again. And my coach told our whole team to move to the other side of the gym because who knows what could've happened. So we all moved and we were watching what was happening. The other team was on the court yelling at us to get our butts back on the court because the game wasn't over. We don't move because our coach told us to stay and the next thing we know is the coach is walked out of the gym with his bag in tow. THE COACH OF THE OTHER TEAM GOT KICKED OUT OF THE GAME!!! We were all so confused on what we were doing. But then our coach told us to come back cuz we were going to finish the game. Luckily he didn't put me in because I did not want to be on the court with them. Now I don't know why because I'm still new at it but the other team had 3 free throws and we had 6. And when it was our turn doing it, after three our girl was about to do the next one when the coaches daughter (she has some anger issues) started yelling and started walking over to the free throw line. Her team literally had to step in front of her and hold her back. It was really crazy. After all the throws were done we played and we won and the other team started screaming at us and the parents were yelling and it was hectic. Our coach told us to move the gym next door immediately. We all got out stuff and ran over. Apparently the refs told us to wait a little bit before leaving so we won't see any of the other players outside in the parking lot, it was THAT bad. The game was so crazy and just hectic but we won and everything. We never lost our cool so that was a plus. But I swear if that girl on the other team was about to pick a fight, I would have knocked her out cold. I learned a little bit from reading when Cassian was teaching Feyre. So if she wanted a fight then she would get one.

But yeah, that was my adventure at my basketball game. Now I didn't explain it the best way but trust me is was wayyyyyyy worse. And we have to play this team again later on. Yayyyyy this is going to be fun😒😒😒😒😒😒  

Sorry this wasn't about books but I really wanted to tell you guys (for whoever cares, probably not anyone but still). It was a really interesting game though😂😂

Do any of you have any stories about crazy events happening???

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