Chapter Two

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Kendall's POV

That girl Gigi was really pretty, and Kim told me that she were staring at me for minutes before Kylie dragged her up to her room together with the other girl.

The movie is just about to end, but I couldn't stop thinking about Gigi, I have never felt like this about someone before.
"I'm home." Mom exclaimed from the doorway, she just closed the door behind her.

"Hello mother." Kourtney said as she walked towards her. Kim and Khloe were both fast asleep at the couch next to one another, but Kourtney stayed awake together with me until mom would come home.

They were talking for a while in the kitchen before I all of a sudden felt moms hand on my forehead. "Hey baby girl, your fever has gone down a bit." She admitted as she smiled at my sleepy eyes.

"It's time for bed now Kenny, we're getting up early tomorrow." She said, and she helped me to sit up as I sleepily nodded my head at her and quietly whispered, "Okay." In some kind of yawn.

I slowly but surely walked up the stairs with my blanket wrapped around myself after that I said goodnight to Kourtney. Mom came up behind me, so that she could help me get into my bed under the covers.

I walked towards my door, but all of a sudden the bathroom door went open. "Hey, you have to be one of Kylie's friends." Mom said with a smile to her face, and Gigi immediately nodded and smiled towards the both of us. "Yes, I'm Gigi, you have to be miss Jenner, it's so nice to meet you." She said making my mother smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you as well, but please, call me Kris." My mom said causing me to smile, it made me happy that she liked Gigi, because I really do.

I opened my bedroom door and walked to my bed, after that Gigi went back to Kylie's room next to mine again. They were probably working at their English task still.

"Can you sit down by yourself Kenny?" Mom asked me after that she fixed my bed for me. I usually do it myself, but after really bad cramps I can barely move by myself, so I kind of need help with some otherwise basic stuff.

"I think that I can." I admitted and carefully sat down at the bed. "So, can you lay down honey?" She asked and instead of answering I immediately laid down to my comfy warm bed.

"Goodnight baby girl." Mom said and gave my forehead a sweet kiss, and immediately after that I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6 am after a long night of struggling trough my sleep paralysis and my cramps. I were still in pain, but not as much as yesterday at least.

I got out of bed, and made my way towards Kylie's room. I knocked at her door, but she didn't answer, so I guess that she's still asleep. I opened the door and walked into her room, and as I thought, she were in fact still very asleep.

I sat down on her bed and gave her forehead a sweet kiss. "Morning Kitty Ky." She stretched her arms and yawned into her right hand before she said, "Hmm, morning Kenny penny." with a husky morning voice.

We cuddled and talked for a while before we both made our way downstairs together. We walked down the stairs hand in hand and into the kitchen.

"Good morning my lovelys." Mom said as she looked at the both of us, then over at Kylie. She looked a little confused, like if she were thinking really hard about something.

"What is it?" Kylie questioned since mom never started talking. "Ky, don't get mad, but your car's at the pound shop. Kim accidentally hit it yesterday when she went home. It'll be back soon, I promise. And I'll pay for it, it wasn't your fault after all." She admitted as she looked a bit embarrassed about it all.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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