A Lost Love

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Saturday afternoon, after my birthday, he and I, sitting on the chair next to the pool. Staring at each other, we started smiling and laughing. I was just always thinking how gorgeous he was. His caramel eyes and his blond hair, huge lips, which made me want to kiss them non stop, a perfect body and a stupid and incredible way to treat a girl. I always thought to myself, why be in love with a boy that doesn't care about you and treats you like shit although knowing that you exist? Well, sometimes you don't even know how you fall in love with that person, to be honest.

Later that day we had lunch at his mother's house since we were really close at that time. After that we dicided to go to the movies and watch The Butler. It was a pretty intence movie but I barely got to watch it. We made out almost the whole entire movie. He kissed so good. After that we came back to his house and watched Kevin Hart on his computer. He laid by me and it felt like he was trying to protect me somehow. He suddenly starts touching me, and it feels good. We turn off the computer and start making out. Almost taking off our clothes. It was late already, like two in the morning and we were just there having a make out session. He grabed my hair and pulled in a gentle way, it felt really good, he started touching my ass and I scratched him on his back, also pulling his hair. It felt so good and awesome. I certainly had never felt that way before.

The next day in the morning I wake him up with a kiss on the lips. We hug and he starts grabing my ass. We had a connection... Well, at least I thought so. On that morning, a sunday, we were going to Water World with his family and some friends. "Go sit back there with your girlfriend.", his step dad says when we go in the car. "No, I'm not gonna sit there because she's not my girlfriend!" At that moment I felt something crashing inside of me, like something tumbled down. I thought he cared about me or that he felt something for me. I wanted to give up with the trip and just go home, but stupidly I thought everything was going to change.

Right when we get to Water World, we get out of the car and we stare at each other for a while. Since he's with some friends, he goes away and starts treating me like I was a trash can, like I wasn't noticeable. Of course I had to do something to get his attention. I ended up getting him in trouble. His mother pulled him to the side and started kind of screaming at him, and at sometime both of them look at me. After that he didn't talk to me for the whole day. I even tried to make an effort to talk to him but he pretended that I wasn't there, like I was just a stranger.

A month goes by and we didn't talk at all. I tried talking to him but I found out he had blocked me on instagram, unfriended me on facebook, and blocked my number. I didn't know why all that happened... I was confused. Maybe it was because I got him in trouble? Maybe he thought I told someone what happened between us? I swear to my mother's death I didn't tell anyone about us, or should I say, him?!

A week after that, my family and I go to a party and he's there. We suddenly starts talking and everything come normal again. We stared at each other all the time. Literally all the time. He was with some friends from Brazil that came over to visit his family. It was really kind of awkward because of all that happened. Even my ten year old sister knew it was awkward. We knew that I still had feelings for him. Some minutes go by and we suddenly start talking like anything has ever happened. We all (Him, his friends, my sister and I) started playing hide and seek and he is the one seeking. He found me first because I'm bad at timing and I put my head up to see when he was coming, he saw me and looked at me for a while. "Found you!" he said, "You need to work more on your timing, Ms." I giggled. "I certainly do, Sir", I said.

Since I was the first one to be found, I had to seek. Of course I had to find him first because my mind was always thinking about him. I found him, and I couldn't catch him at first but since his pants were falling because he wasnt wearing a belt, he got slower and I caught him. I felt a connection at that time like he was going to kiss me, or I was going to kiss him. I stare at hi inside his eyes and then at his lips and he does the same. We almost kissed, the only thing was that one of his friends started screaming like a little girl and we had to see if everything was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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