Still July 28

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James pow:

"Hi guys, come in" i opened the door for my friends.
"Hey James, ready to play?" One of my friends Oliver asked as he walked into my house with the others behind him.
"I'm absolutely ready. It's Harpers last day with us. We need to make this night memorable." I said. Harper smiled a bit but then started to become sad again. She and her family are leaving America. They are going to live in Spain for the next 4 years because her mother got a new better job there. I have 3 other friends, Oliver, Noel and Jacob. Us boys and Harper were best friends since kindergarden. I'm sad that we are losing a member of the group.
"Okay guys. So what are we going to play?" Noel asked. "What if we play super mario?" Jacob asked.
"Are you sirious?" Noel laughed. "And what if we'd summon ghosts?" I asked. Oliver rose an eyebrow.
"Dude. Even Jacobs idea was better." He said.
"Just think about it. It will be fun. Come one guys." I tried to convince them.
"Ok. I'm in." said Harper.
"Me too. But just because Harper's in." Oliver said, and smiled at Harper who started blushing like crazy.
"Okay we're in." Jacob and Noel finally said.
"Okay. Then let's start."

3 hours later:

When my friend finally left didn't have anything to do. I sat down at my window seat to watch the stars. There was something in them that relaxed me. I was sitting there for like 5 minutes now, when someone switched on a light in the house next door.  The two houses were really close to each other, so I could see everything that happened there. The light came from the girls room who lived in that house. Her name is Maddie. We used to be friends untill we become 6th graders, when she started to hang out with aome "popular girls" who told them that I was creepy and that I watched her from my window when she was changing clothes, but nothing about this was true. I had a big crush on her since 5th grade. But now she has a boyfriend, popular friends, she doesn't need me.
I saw her standing in her room tslking to someone on her phone. When she finished she looked out of the window and when she saw me, our eyes locked for a second. After a couple of seconds she broke the eyecontact and walked away from the window. For a second I stared at the place where she was standing before, then I  decided to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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