Part 1

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I don't remember when it started...

I don't why it started...

But it did and now it won't stop.

Thoughts of you flood my head like the ocean decided to make it's way into my mind.

I want to see you, every inch of you.

I want to feel you, every inch of you.

Your soft skin, the way it felt against my own. Our fingers intertwining, it was a perfect match. You were the missing piece of the puzzle awaiting to be completed.


Before you entered my life, my days were bland and colorless. Time ticked by motionless, everything was a routine. Wake up, get ready, sit in a chair for hours, come home, sleep and repeat. Those were the days I thought I was going to live with forever.

Then it happened.

You should up uncalled for, uttering nonsense. God no, please stop. I thought ; another voice to add to the faded chaos that slightly echoed outside of my earbuds. But that wasn't the case. Instead, your mumbles were light hearted jokes that made me giggle.

What's happening, I haven't laughed in ages it felt.

I started looking forward to those days that I saw you. I wondered what are you going to do today.

Timed passed and I began to grow comfortable around you, letting my guard down. I hated speaking to others but with you, it wasn't a problem.

More days passed and sometimes you'd miss and I grumbled at your lack of presence. I'd catch myself thinking about you and what you were doing or things you might say at what was happening. There I found myself letting out a small chuckle because I didn't realize how one action could send my heart fluttering.



Now I crave your attention. The way you smile at me, it melts my heart. The days you slip your fingers into my mine so smooth like silk. I could stare at you for days on end, your looks captivate me. Your soft lips against my cheek in a sweet kiss.

Sometimes those sweet kisses turned steamy. I'd playfully ask for more, pointing at every corner of my face before reaching my lips. When I'd get there you'd give me a long glare cause we both knew what that meant.

Your hand would slip around my waist bringing me up pressed against your chest, your other hand slipping to caress my neck and cheek as you leaned in to place a gentle kiss upon my lips.

They tasted like cherry and hint of mint. The kiss deepened and you'd gripped at my waist as our tongues overlapped one others and then give my bottom lip a teasing suck. I'd run my hands around your shoulders to your neck and then through your hair. The kiss becoming even more forceful. Breaking away when we could no longer breathe, huffing in large amounts of air and then laughing at the moment.

These are the days I look to. The days I want to last forever and fear that forever will end too soon.

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