Chapter 2

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Ok so I'm not doing the full chapters because there's just no way... I'll just be doing important parts of it .

Tyler pov :
I walked Evan into the infirmary hoping that it would be a good place for Evan to calm down. He was already stressed and had already started hyperventilating on me once , and I didn't need that again . His hands wrapped tightly around my bicep . I wish I would've never took him to that goddamn infirmary! For his sake and Lucas'.

" Lucas ?..." Evan questioned looking at Lucas on the ground. He was sickly pale and his eyes were glassy . Sitting on the floor surrounded by two ghost . The tall one without a head was wearing a omega shirt and a rabbit hoodie , and the other one was wearing a Jason mask , a bright blue bloody hoodie , and was clearly missing his left eye .

Lucas turned to look at us smiling, but had tears running down his face. " oh hi Tyler ! Evan !" He said his body trembling as if he were cold. "Lucas what are you doing?" I asked as Evan unwrapped his arms from around my bicep. " They're good kids I swear !!! It's just so sad !" He cried more tears streaming down his face . This wasn't like him he never cried at least not like this .

" so tragic...No child should have to suffer like this ..." his voice cracking slightly. I picked up a piece of news paper off the ground reading The Children Murdered One Survivor. They looked exactly like the kids on the paper , and the one from earlier looked like one as well . " Lucas come with us ." I said in a soft tone . " No !I can't just leave them !!!" He cried louder.

" please come with us you're not safe here." Evan begged. " I'M NOT GOING! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Lucas yelled back. Before we could say anything else he was being levitated. The children started laughing hysterically at him . I rushed Evan out as fast as I could they possessed him once they'll do it again .

I watched as the tears formed in his eyes . "Now what are we gonna do ?!" Evan asked on the verge of a complete breakdown. " You'll need a confession from the killer ...maybe then you can finally put the spirits at peace ." A hooded man said walking down the hall towards us . I turned to look at him " A confession?! How are we supposed to get that ?!" I asked. " I don't know how , but it's the only thing that will calm they're vengeful trapped spirits...poor things ..." he said walking closer towards us .

Evan stopped his crying " Wait a minute are you Luke ? The paranormal investigation that runs the blog called  Ruins and Rituals ? " he asked standing up . Evan received a laugh as the man flipped off his red hoodie replied "guilty as charged .". Evan was in udder disbelief " Why ...How are you here ?! It was as if you disappeared off the face of the earth! But you're here alive !" Evan said . " I died long  ago  the only reason I'm able to take this body is because I succumbed to the madness and darkness around me." Luke said looking at Evan . " But how did you get here ?" I asked .

" The same way you and your friends did with the charm ." Luke stated . " anyway from my notes the principal used to carry a little doll around with him If you can find it I'm sure you'll find him as well."Luke added propping against the wall .

After search for what felt like an hour we finally found that goddamn doll . It gave me the most uneasy feeling somethings not right about this doll . Sure if maybe a baby or little girl had it it wouldn't be as terrifying , but a grown man and in a school in the middle of fucking purgatory?hell no! It would help if it didn't talk and cry too.

Making our way back to the infirmary we found that Luke was gone . Shoulda known better than to think a Wraith would stick around. "Give me the doll !" Evan demanded. I handed him the creep ass doll as it started making crying sounds like a little kid " You sure about this Ev?" I asked . " I ain't no bitch !" He said taking the small doll from my hand pushing his way into the infirmary.

"Hey ! HEY ! Kids !" Evan yelled holding the doll up in the air . The doll cried and pleaded in an unidentifiable language. The horrific screeches , ghastly moans , and demonic laughter that came from those kids . I grabbed Evan as the blue one lashed out at him . They forced the door running out laughing taking Lucas with them .

We ran after him only finding blood and guts splattered all over the wall . Luke appeared from the shadows behind me "I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT'D FUCKING WORK ???!!!!!" I yelled. " I didn't say there wouldn't be a consequence...and it shoulda worked something musta been wrong ..." he said then disappeared back into the shadows.

Evan stood there staring at it all visibly shaking. " I-I-I I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled running off to somewhere else. I was gonna attempt to chase him only feeling a extremely sharp pain in the back of my head before falling out .

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