Chapter 6

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Although I didn't want the night to end. It did. Asher was to leave and go home with Catherine tomorrow, as much as I didn't want them to because I love them both. They both are my family. They were the family I hadn't had in years, and they both understood my situation.

But they both had to go because they have their own lives to live- and they missed enough days at school for rumors to swarm them that they died because of some "mysterious killer."

I hugged them both as they walked out of the front door. When will I see them in real life next? I don't know. But I do know that they both better keep their grades up before I go down there personally and kick their asses. Although when I said that statement out loud to them neither of them rejected it because they'd see me.

Does this mean I get to kick them in the butt as if it were a "get out of jail free" card? because that's a hella good idea.

"Jeez, I really miss the drives to school and back in that old rusty truck of yous and listening to your crappy rock music that I now miss," Catherine says to me as she hugs me outside of my front door, tears dwelling up in her eyes.

I chuckle, "find me my old truck and my CD's and your set."

"Your such a grandma" she rolls her eyes laughing while tears escaped her eyes.

I wipe the tears away smiling to her, "it's fine, you'll see me again Cat, don't worry."

"I'm not crying because of you! I'm crying because I'm going to fail!" she chuckles sadly and I laugh along.

I look over at Asher, he was holding up better then Catherine, but still decently bad. He hung his head down and stayed quiet. Which was his usual response when something sad or bad happens.

I smile sadly at Ash, "can I have a hug from you before you go?" I ask him.

He looks up at me nudging a small sheepish smile while holding out his hands to me for a hug. I embrace him in a hug.

"You know I will really miss having you around Ash," I lightly smile, "nobody is gonna be my buddy when I have a concussion and I'm alone to do absolutely nothing."

Ash chuckles loudly, "that was basically the most time we have spent together without anyone else around, and wasn't terrible," my smile widens.

"When am I gonna see you guys next? I want to see you all!" I look at them both while I pulled Ash away but still holding his arms.

"We don't know, but maybe next time, you could come home?" Catherine looks at us as Ash and I both smile in union.

"Sounds great, we will keep in touch," I hug Catherine one last time as she heads to the car, then I face Ash.

Ever so fast, he grabbed a hold of my chin, twists me as if we were dancing the tango, and pressed his soft lips against mine. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as he did so, it felt like a lifetime of his lips on mine. But it really wasn't. Next thing I know the pressure on my lips is lifted and I open my eyes to see Asher smiling at me.

"Until we meet again, m'lady," he pulls down his imaginary hat as if he were a cowboy while winking at me.

"Until we meet again," I whispered underneath of my breath as he set my back up on my two feet and walked back to his sisters car.

Until we meet again.


  Later that day I decided that I was going to school tomorrow. Although I did dread the day where I actually had to learn, see people, talk to them, and unfortunately become their friend. but, my learning is more important- not really but my future is.

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