I gotta do everything around here

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harry pov

I lasted staying in the room a total of seven minutes, after that, the door was blasted off and a creepy as hell alien busted through the door saw me and grinned, its creepy needle like fangs a thing of nightmares.

It took the alien two seconds for it to understand It didn't know what I was it then try and grab me, it took me a total of three seconds to realise that my room was no longer safe and as I couldn't hide like hulion told me, I did the second best option.

Grabbing my wand and mustering my magic I concentrated on the mess hall, my magic stirring to obey my command and feeling like I was traveling through a tube I was there.

It wasn't much safer here, there were hundreds of aliens fighting here, I could make out our crew from the black sleeveless shirts, the invaders had on bright red and blue patterned shirts.

I shivered watching in terror as my friends battled, as the captain gave a huge yell his tall frame easily visible and his huge axe swung down and chopped an enemies head off.

Karlum and hulion were back to back surrounded by three aliens they were both shooting glowing bullet like projectiles at enemies dropping them like flies.

I would have called over to them if the creepy alien from earlier hadn't swung its slimy tail around me and constricted like a snake, I squirmed as he wrapped it around my throat.

In an act of desperation I pictured the room with the huge window I saw when I first bumped into the ship, suddenly through the tube and we were there, the alien chasing me collapsed black bile coming out of its mouth as it vomited, It didn't like apparition either.

I glanced around and found the room to be some kind of training room with heavy weight objects scattered across the room, there was nowhere for me to hide either.

Glancing at the alien I grabbed it and did the next best thing, I apparated the creature just outside the glass, into the void of space where it couldn't grab anything, its breathing mask keeping it alive but its threat level no longer existing.

Visualising my room I appeared there and stayed in my room on my bed waiting. Hulion told me to stay here. STAY. There is always a reason for an order and I am just a soldier, I follow orders.

It was another hour before my battle with myself won out and I disillusioned myself creeping quietly down the hall to the mess hall, looking inside I was shocked to find it empty, not a single living thing was there.

I followed the drag marks from the room and crept further down the hallway past where the room I recovered in was, I continued quietly creeping until the air grew thin and the hallway suddenly had a hole ripped open to open space, a large plank bridging this ship to the other ship.

I crouched myself down low and observed what I could. All the aliens on the ship were surrounding cages with their guns, inside one of the cages I could make out glowing stars. That was all the evidence I needed, hulion was in those cages and if he was so was karlum and the rest of the crew, the huge cage at the back could only hold one person. The captain tukin.

I had to get to them before they managed to leave with them. Taking a deep breath I mustered my magic and apparated silently behind the guards in front of hulions cage. My disillusion still in effect hulions eyes widened to comical levels and his stars began blinking in worry, looking around I saw hundreds of cages, many of which didn't have my crew in them.

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