100? pathetic

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hope you like it


harry pov

I shuddered and started creeping towards the bed, a call from hulion made me freeze "stop, harry he won't hurt you either " he called desperately trying to stop me from disappearing under the bed again.

The large elephant person blinked owlishly as he watched me start breathing faster as he got closer "you filled the room with oxygen?, I was under the belief that the little human here was found in the space and didn't breathe oxygen?" The elephant person prompted.

"Captain. This is harry of the species human, he says he comes from the planet earth, he also said on his planet people breathe oxygen." Hulion commented.

The elephant just grunted and sat on the floor heavily making me inch back further away.

The elephant persons creepy hands folded in his lap as he examined me "little human, why are you scared of hulion?, his race is well known across the galaxies as a peaceful calm species, you do not need to fear him" The elephant person asked his voice grunting over his words.

I ignored his question growing tired of the alien being referred to as elephant man. I pointed at hulion. "hulion, kurana destula," I said gently then I pointed to myself "harry, human". I then pointed to the elephant person and tilted my head a little my hand still shaking in anxiety.

The elephants eyebrow raised and a horrid loud sound spread through the room I saw hulion smile a little his small tusks from his mouth making it seem more sinister, I cringed and curled further into a ball. "Little human, I am the captain of this ship, my name is tukin (pronounced tuck in) I am of the species foretton (for- eh- ton) we are a great protector species, now we are introduced you haven't answered my earlier question". He spoke enthusiastically, unwilling to look at his face in order not to upset him I did not see his gentle and amused eyes watching me.

I flinched as he addressed me and I carefully answered " my people are born and raised on our planet we have not met or known of other species that can talk, you are terrifying for my people " I have no people, but for my past people that is true.

tukin grunted acceptingly and watched me as I tried to hide behind my now middle of back length hair, at that moment my stomach decided to growl causing the two aliens to look around in confusion, I flushed red, causing gasps of wonder to come from hulion and an intrigued oh? From tukin.

Embarrassed I crawled back under the bed clutching my wand. After a few failed attempts to get me to come back out they left and I relaxed pulling the soft blanket from the bed I crawled back under the bed making a nest next to the wall and warily falling back to sleep in order to abate the hunger pains.

I woke with a flinch as the door opened and I bundled the blanket around me with only my eyes visible, it was hulion if its feet were anything to go by.

He knelt down again "little human, do you want to come out and eat something? He asked gently.

My stomach gave another growl at the thought of food and my hand pressed into it to try and quiet it, my head still felt light and I would probably feel better once I had eaten something. Carefully taking my blankets with me I crawled out, hulion sat in front of me with only four feet in between us making me nervous.

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