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Santos and i went to the center of the dance floor and danced.

"Im sorry for What i did. I really am. I was an idiot and it wasn't okay of me. I lost you but someone else will come and deserve you. I didn't and I don't but I'd like for you to give me a chance to show you i can change"

"I gave you a chance and you blew it. No"

"Losing you for real made me realize I'm a ducking dumbass and I know I don't deserve you but Ari I still love you. And I always will. When I gave you that necklace I meant. You're the girl I want for the rest of my life. Til I die. No matter what. I'm so deeply sorry and I understand that you don't believe me and don't want anything to do with me but I still love you Ari" he looked at me.

"I can't" I pushed him off me and ran outside as I could in heels. I sat on the set of swings that was there. Because during the summer my school is sorta school for little kids. Someone sat in the swing next to me.

"Are you okay?" I looked at saw Rayshawn.

"Yeah. I just needed fresh air. You clean up nice, Ray"

"I'm down to beat a motherfuckers ass if it's needed. And thanks. Just cause I'm from the hood don't mean we can't be all fancy and shit" he said and I busted out laughing.

"No ones ass is getting beat. I'm fine seriously"

"Aight. Let me know if I have to swing at somebody"

"Ray come on babe" you come here Alicia say from behind us.

"Duty calls" he said and smirked.

"Nasty ass" I told him.

"What Im human. And I worked hard in yesterday's game. So hop off my dick" he said and left picking up Alicia. I got up and walked to the back of the school.

"Ari" he slurred.

"How drunk are you Marco?"

"Uh I-is that even a question to u-uh w-what was I saying" they busted out laughing. I took the vodka bottle from Aaron.

"You guys are so drunk and high" I said and took a swung. Aaron pulled me on his lap.

"You got suspended from the teams why?" He asked.

"There was a huge amount of weed in my system" I replied.

"How long this shit stay in you?" Marco asked and smiled.

"A while you dumbass." I took the blunt from his hand. Soccer and baseball are his life. He can't live without it. Catherine came and pulled Aaron and Marco away someone in a black hoodie grabbed me and dragged me away.

"Let go of me you fucking bitch" I said. They removed their hoodie. I saw Shawn. "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you" I said. "Why'd you drag me away?"

"Because the principal was told that there was students smoking and drinking behind the school. So you already being in trouble because of smoking and if you were caught there you'd be in more trouble and then your dad wouldn't let you go out."

"Again I'm sorry for almost swinging at you. I didn't mean too. I didn't know it was you."

"It's fine. Your self-defense comes in when you feel threatened and you didn't know who it was so you were worried for your safety. I know they're high and drunk but still I didn't want them to like recognize me."

"So what time would be a great time for me to go to your house?" he pulled me close to him.

"When Catherine and your parents are asleep" he said.

"Shouldn't be a problem Catherine will be out like a light and my parents probably won't be home." I told him.

"Okay. I'll see you later then?" I kissed him.

"Yes" my phone rang. I answered it.

"Ari we have to go now. Meet in front of the gym" then they hung up.

"Um I have to go Okay"

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't know but I hope so" I walked away and to the front of the gym. I saw Cathy, Marco, Santos, and Aaron there. "What?"

"We gotta go" Marco slurred. He turned and threw up.

"You handle alcohol like a little kid" I told him.

"Shut up" He said and threw up again. "I think it's all out of me" he said.

"It better me Because if you throw up in my car I will kill you" I told him. They got into my car. "I'll drop Santos off first" I said and didn't even bother looking at him. I drove him to his house.

"Thanks" he said. Aaron moved to the passenger seat. I sat nothing he closed he door and I drove off.

"I understand what he did but that was bitchy" Aaron said.

"He said something to me that I didn't like."

"That bitch" Marco said. I dropped up drunk and drunker and helped them up to their bedrooms because they couldn't make it up the stairs by themselves. Catherine was a bit wasted which doesn't surprise me.

"Psst Ari. Did you know I smoked some weed?"

"Damn I'm a terrible influence" i said.

"No you're a good influence taught me t-to let lose" she fell on my bed. Little snores left her mouth. I removed her heels and dress I put her in sweats and a shirt. Since she only did her eyebrows, her mascara, and had highlight on I removed it. I removed my makeup, heels and dress. I put on some leggings, an oversized sweatshirt, and some vans. I covered Catherine with the blanket and climbed out the window. I walked through the opening in the gate to Shawn's backyard. There was arguing.

"Shawn you can't lie to me not again" a female voice was heard.

"I'm not lying Laur. I wasn't the first time but you chose not to believe me. Okay I didn't touch her in that way she touched me in that way. I never laid my hands on her she lied. Ana is a liar. And now all of a sudden when you break it off with the rice fancy dude you want me back. You got me fucked up I ain't doing that"

"Come on it's not like you found someone to love and please you like I did" she touched him. He gently moved her hands off him.

"It's not about sex with her. It's different. And I don't know if she loves me but I love her. She believes me. She trusts me and will hear me out. She has similar interests as me. Now please leave" he said. He loves me? He loves me. She kissed him and the second her lips touched his he pushed her away. "No. You can't do that. You can't be here. You have to leave" he wiped his mouth with his arm.

"You've done it better"

"Not this time. I can't lose her. And I didn't cheat on you. I never had sex with my student" I went back to my house and laid in my bed. He texted me when I was coming over but I never replied.

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