Uncle Bobby

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After driving for what seemed like forever, Dean parked at an old house. The house smelled like liquor and old man. I coughed at the revolting smell.

"Bobby, it's Sam and Dean." Sam yelled. "We came with Lydia... are you here?" A man with worn out clothes and a ripped baseball hat hurried down the stairs with a book in his hands. He looked up and put his book down on a desk, then sat down in the chair behind it.

"Hey Bobby, this is Lydia." Sam motioned me to come over to him, and I shook hands with Bobby. "We were wondering if we could have Lydia stay in your paniac room for a while."

"Why's that?" Bobby questioned. Sam and I shared glances and sighed.

"Demon's blood." Sam and I said.

"Idjits." Bobby took out a glass cup and poured three drinks. My mouth became very dry and I started searching through my bag. My fingers touched a bottle of blood, my thirst took over and I quickly hurried to the bathroom. I locked the door and opened the bottle. Dean had noticed my weird behavior and followed me to the bathroom door.

"Lydia, are you ok?" Dean knocked on the locked door. I didn't respond, I just drank. I finished drinking the blood and fished through my bag until I found another. I drank two more bottles full of demon's blood. Dean started pounding on the door and I could tell that the old wood door wasn't going to hold up. I didn't care, I kept searching through my bag. I couldn't find any more demon's blood, and my body started to tighten. My head was throbbing and I couldn't hear anything except the blood rushing through me. I started to cough up blood and I fell to the floor in pain. The bathroom door fell to the ground and Sam, Dean, and Bobby all surrounded me.

"BALLS!" Bobby yelled. All I could see was the huge amount of blood on the floor. I felt Dean pick me up and bring me down to a room with a bunch of symbols covering the walls. Dean placed me down on an uncomfortable bed. My eye sight turned blurry and I couldn't hear anything, I think I was screaming but I'm not sure. I know Sam stayed with me because I could slightly make out his figure. He sat down next to me and tried holding my arms and legs down to the bed. I kicked him in the gut and knocked him to the ground. I felt something hit my head and I lost consciousness.

When I gained consciousness I was strapped down to the bed. My clothes were stained red and I believe my face was too, since it was extremely sticky. I tried moving my head, but it was so painful. I wiggled my fingers and toes and I started to gain feeling in my body. I had to get out of this room, so I tried calling for Sam and Dean.

"Help me! Anybody!" I yelled. Tears poured down my face and I started to burn up again. "Please... Sam, Dean, Bobby... please let me out." I heard footsteps and voices above me, but I couldn't make out the what they were saying. I felt anger and pain rush through my blood, and I began to scream. "How could you leave me down here!? You think you save people, well by the look of it you're going to let me die!? You're no hero!?" My screaming caused me to cough up a little blood, but I didn't care. I honestly felt as if my body was saying one thing but my mind was saying another. I couldn't control myself but I still didn't care. My nose started to bleed and I could taste the blood drip into my dry mouth. I tried releasing myself from the leather ties holding me to the bed, but they were too tight and my wrists and ankles became very raw. I heard a loud thump and I turned my head to see what was in the room with me. I gasped as I stared into the eyes of Bethany, but they weren't her eyes. I remember Bethany's eyes being blue, but now...oh...no.

"Stay away from me, you black eyed bitch!" Bethany slowly walked towards me, and she placed her hand on my throbbing head.

"You let me die... why did you let me die? You watched me as I choked on my own blood." Bethany moved her hand down to my neck and I shivered.

"Bethany, please, I'm sorry." Bethany shook her head and started too squeeze my neck. I gasped for air and let out one last scream before passing out again.

I opened my eyes and Bobby was standing next to me and pouring cold water over my face. When he noticed that I was coming to he stopped and gave me a towel. I was about to point out that I was strapped to a bed but when I looked down I saw that my hands and feet were untied and that I could move freely. I quickly cracked my wrists, fingers, and neck then stepped of the table to stretch my back. Bobby handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down quickly, he then poured himself a glass of liquor. There was a long moment of silence and Bobby and I just starred at each other.

"Thanks." I said trying to break the silence. Bobby looked over at me and shook his head.

"Sorry that those idjits brought you into this." Bobby said pouring himself another glass of liquor. I smiled and put down my cup.

"It's fine, I was kind of forceful." I looked around the dusty room and sighed. "So are you going to let me out of here or what?" I stared at Bobby and he shook his head and sighed.

"I really am sorry." Bobby stood up and walked over to the door. I stood up and attempted to run after him but my legs were to weak and sore and I just fell to the floor. Bobby closed and locked the metal door, and I was left alone. I began to weep, I lied back down on the bed and debated whether or not I should go to sleep. I was tired but I wasn't sure what I would see. My eyelids felt like they weighed a ton, so I decided to rest for a little while. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Lydia..." Sam said. I trued to sit up but I saw that I was tied up to the bed again. I could still see Sam, he looked tired and a little bit insane. Beside him was a table, on the table was a couple weapons and some other stuff which I didn't recognize. I was still tired, and I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Awh, you sleepy? Well this will wake you up." Sam laughed, he took a dagger from the table and examined it. "Perfect." Sam walked towards me and slowly moved it around me, deciding were to strike first.

"Sam, please..." I was gritted my teeth and groaned as Sam slowly cut my arm, my blood seeped through the wound. Sam then moved the knife to my face, he placed the knife centimeters away from my eye. I tried to make as little movement possible, but my constant trembling didn't help. He dropped the knife and it fell into my eye, I screamed in pain. My cheek started burning and I closed my eyes, but when I opened them Sam was gone and I was alone in the room. I wasn't strapped down anymore and I had no wounds. I sighed in relief, it was just a dream. But my heart skipped a beat when I heard Sam just outside the door say my name.

Demon's Blood (Sequel to My First Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now