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Don't ever fool yourself into the false security of thinking creepypastas are fake. That they're just ramdom stories made up to keep you awake all night and terrify you. That's not true. The only reason humans know about them is because the people who've seen them have written stories about them. People like me. We want others to be aware of the dangers that lurk in this world. None of us truly intend to scare you. We intend to warn you. If you take things too far, bad things will happen. I have proof. I am proof.

My name is Iko Hanata. And, as I've said, I've seen a creepypasta. His name is Itsumo Mite Iru, or Itsumo for short. Most humans know him as the Illuminati, or the All-Seeing Eye. And yes, you guessed correctly. His real name means "always watching." But I haven't only seen him. I've talked to him, and, well, I've been punished by him. You see, my two best friends are Ichi Karoku and Irii Asalo. Since it's just the three of us, and all of our names starts with the letter "i," everyone at our school calls us the All-Seeing Eye. Of course, this was not okay with Itsumo. So he brought us to him. Now, don't think of him as a group of spies, or whatever you were thinking. He is literally a pyramid with a giant eye in it. I'm not kidding. But not only does he see all, he also has unbelievable power. He's practically the king of all the creepypastas. He has the power to do terrible things.

What was my pubishment? I am now an okami, or half-wolf. Now, in case you were thinking that my friends weren't punished, you thought wrong. I honestly tried to make my punishment worse so that they didn't have to be punished, but there was no convincing him. As a cruel joke, he cursed Ichi first, since her name means "one." Next was Irii, then me. It was absolute torture watching Irii get cursed, as she's really shy and has never done anything wrong in her life. She didn't deserve what she got. Ichi became a kitsune, or half-fox, and Irii became a neko, or half-cat.

We were then sent back to the human world, where we were forced to live out the rest of our lives in these wretched forms. And, well, there were two things wrong with that: we were also cursed to be inmortal, and we lost our fully human form. Now, this might sound great to you. I don't know. But the only reason it sucks for us is because, well, I don't know about you, but where we live, if you get sent to jail, you're stuck there for the rest of your life. And how, might I ask, are an okami, a kitsune, and a neko NOT supposed to go to jail just for being different and supposedly posing a "threat" against the government?

We were relieved to find out that, in place of our fully human form, we had a fully animal form. This meant that we could, in theory, survive among humans. However, Irii would probably be picked up by the animal patrol, and Ichi and I would be shot if we went anywhere near any human, just because we're considered "agressive." Not that it would do anything, but it sure would hurt.

How exactly are we meant to survive?

All-Seeing EyeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin