"Yep!" Marco called out as he ran to me with his bag. "You're lucky I bring my wallet everywhere I go, otherwise we would have to go back to the dorm rooms!"

"I guess I am lucky." Marco and I shared a laugh for a minute then made our way outside. I walked the freckled boy over to my car and threw our bags in the back. "Alright, get in Freckles!" I said as I crawled into the driver's seat.

"Will do!" Marco said in that cheery voice of his as he got in and slammed the door shut behind him. I locked the doors put the key in ignition, and then started the engine. I put the car in gear and drove off into the city.

"Know any good art shops, Marco?" I asked as I looked at every strip mall, shop, and building.

"Well there is a pretty good on close to here... Just take a right at the next intersection, then go straight two blocks, then a left and it should be there!" Marco said as he beamed at me.

"Alright..." I mumbled as I stopped at the stop light and waited for it to glow green. In about half a minute I finally took a right then drove straight. I did as Marco had instructed and sure enough there was an art shop just as Marco had said.

The two of us slipped out of the car. I dug into my pocket, pulled out my keys and locked all the doors as we entered the shop. It was artist's galore!

"What was it you were thinking of getting Jean?" Marco asked as he laid a hand on my shoulder.

"A few colored pencils, shading pencils, new sketch books, water colors, maybe one of those wooden models some artists use..." I said as I stopped to think. "Now come on, let's look around Freckles!"

I just grabbed a bunch of random shit, not really caring much about the quality when suddenly Marco spoke.

"Hey Jean, why are you just grabbing random stuff?"

"Huh? Oh. I just don't wanna be here all day looking around at stuff." I said as I looked away from my friend and blushed.

"I know my art supplies pretty well... I know which brands are the best and all... Would you want me to look around for you?"

My heart leapt. I never enjoyed shopping, so having someone do it for me enlightened me greatly. "Knock yourself out!" I exclaimed and put everything I had back to where it was.

"You won't be disappointed!" Marco gave me a weird salute where the right hand was above the left side of the chest and the left hand rested behind his body. I returned Marco's strange salute and watched him while he left and made his way down the isles.

After a couple minutes, Marco had returned to me with his hands full of pastels, shading pencils (both colored and regular), water color, paints, sketch books of all sizes, and even wooden models of all sizes as well.

"Here ya go Jean!!!" Marco exclaimed as he ran up to me with his face blocked by all the supplies. I laughed since he looked like a total dork... A cute one. My laughing quickly faded when Marco had tripped and everything fell all over.

Everything happened so quickly, I couldn't process it in my mind. Marco had sprawled out his arms as he flung forward towards me. It seemed as though he were giving me a clumsy hug, and instantly it all happened.

Marco had hit me with just enough force to push me down to the floor, with him on top of me. I hit my head on the floor and winced at the shooting pain in my head.

"Oh my god." Marco gasped.

I lifted my head up and saw Marco's face hovering just above mine by mere inches. It took all my willpower to not just grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. I then noticed my face burning red.

"I-I'm so sorry Jean." Marco said and quickly shot up from off me. He bent over to pick up the mess he had made, while I laid on the floor trying to process what just happened in my head.

"Sir, are you alright?" The store clerk asked as he offered me a hand.

"Uh... I think so..." I said a bit dazed. I took the kind man's hand and he hauled me back up on my feet. I dusted myself off then the man handed me a store basket.

"Perhaps you should put your items in this basket." The man chuckled.

I quietly snarled at the man so he wouldn't hear and took the basket. I held it out as Marco placed everything in gently. Luckily he didn't break anything and it looked like he had got everything I needed.

"Ready to check out, Freckles?" I asked as I held onto the now heavy basket.

Marco nodded not looking me in the eye. Was he mad at me now or something? I didn't blame him for being clumsy so I don't see why he would be.

The two of us walked over to the counter to purchase the items. When I had paid the clerk for everything, he smiled at us.

"You two gentleman fine? That was a pretty nasty tumble." He chuckled.

Marco looked away and rubbed his arm that was sore before. I then realized why he was so quiet, he probably hurt his arm again. I looked to Marco for a minute then remembered that the clerk had asked me a question.

"Yeah, we're fine." I said. "Let's go Marco..." I gave Marco a look saying "I want to go, NOW!!!"

Marco gave a small nod then followed me out to the car. We put the bags in the back of the car and slipped in. Once I started the car I looked to Marco.

"Your arm alright?"

Marco looked at me for a second then looked away. "Ugh... Yeah... It's fine." Marco said sounding a hit downcast. "Let's just go..." He said softly.

I looked to my upset friend with a concerned look. I let out a sigh. "Kay." I said as I put the car into gear then drove away.

Love is Love (Jean X Marco)Where stories live. Discover now