{Ch. 3} Red Meets Blue

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Once arriving to the Macaroon shop, Rainbow Sweet-Treats was the shop name. Outside of the shop, Kumiko and Cameron stood only to be arguing. Kumiko having a settled look upon her looking, her arms crossed though even with the settled look she still looked annoyed towards Cameron who had his hands on hips looking completely mad towards the green haired female. His eye twitching every so often as they argued. From others point of view, they looked like a couple who was in a really bad argument. No one paid full attention to the two, only some looked on while walking passed. While the two were arguing, Honoka and Ib finally caught up only to see the two were arguing.

Honoka" Are you serious...?" She asked looking annoyed.

Ib" How long do you think they've been like this?" She asked looking up to Honoka with a worried type look. "The shops only a good 10 minutes away from our school and considering how fast they took off..." She explained stopping herself from thinking on it.

Honoka" I'd say passed 10 minutes is how long they've been arguing." She said uncrossing her arms as she walked over to the two. "Alright that's enough arguing! Your causing a scene to happen here, stop embarrassing yourselves." She said sounding quite annoyed grabbing there ears pulling on them,causing the two to immediately.

Kumiko & Cameron" Yeei Ouch!!" They both yelped at the same time feeling the pain from Honoka's pull and her pinch on there ears.

Honoka" Honestly can we leave you two alone for 10 minutes without having to break up your arguing?" She asked keeping a calm tone though there was still a hint of anger. "Please stop acting like an old married couple, your embarrassing yourselves, especially us." She added letting go of there ears finally crossing her arms.

Kumiko & Cameron both quickly pulled away holding there ears wincing in pain. "Ow, ow, ow." They said at the same time.

Cameron" Honoka that seriously hurts! The hell was that called?" He asked annoyed.

Kumiko" Honoka's ear-grabbing punishment is back and is still evil. No!" She called crying anime tears.

Honoka" One of the main reasons we can't leave you two alone because you both fight like cats and dogs. Or like I said, an old married couple, I swear." She said sighing pinching the bridge of her nose. "Well, we're here now so you two can stop your bickering, let's get the Macaroons and head over to Karaoke. Plus it seems I'll have to play Nanny for you two." She said crossing her arms. Honoka was always known as the big sister or Mother of the Group, sure she was the same age as them but from her home life, she had to really grasp that tough and 'nanny' way she has now. More mature I guess you could say.

Ib finally walked over, waving her hands in front of her. "L-Like Honoka said, yea... No more fighting okay...?"She asked sounding a little nervous. "I don't want us getting banned from the shop here after all so.." She said grabbing Kumiko and Cameron's hand pulling them along towards the shop. "So let's get along today." She said.

Honoka smirking a little following after them stepping into the shop as a small bell chimed once the door was pushed open. Kumiko and Cameron following Ib's lead while getting dragged unable to fully pull away from the small girl's grip. "Hai, Hai, were coming," Cameron said managing to get himself walking normally.

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