( three ) : eros

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So, your first date eh?


Did you go to somewhere fancy or to the movies?

No, we went to a pet shop actually, AND happened to be on Valentine's Day.

Yeah, and my exact thought when he said, "pet shop" was:

A freaking pet shop? As a... date?

I wasn't really sure what we had going on between us but it happened to turn into a dare where he said he would take me on a date that I had probably never been on.

I began to see Nicolo's true colors behind the grouchy face he'd always have behind his long trenchcoat.

Amidst the cold breeze which never seemed to stop blowing around my hair, we made it to the pet shop. I had glanced at my appearance in the reflection of the store and first saw a puppy and then unfocused to see a horrid human version of big foot. I screamed in slow agony, rushedly brushing my hair down and then heard Nicolo snorting behind his coat.

"Har har har. Hilarious."

"It is when your scream scared that lil puppers right there."

"Awhhh, wait. Let's go in and see him."

As we walked in, we were immediately comforted by the warmth of animals and the gawking owner who looked like he hadn't had any customers in awhile.

"Velcome to ze store. Your koalaifications are completely irrelephant here because e'ry animal deserves you here and you deserve em."

He drags us over to his kittens and tells us, "and we also aren't kitten around meow when we say all ze animals here love you. oh, and 'appy valentine'z day!"


The mans was WILD.

I lean into nicolo's shoulder and whisper, "His puns are killing me."

Nicolo looks at the man and says, "Stop making me laugh, I'll puma pants."

"HAHAHA! Your man has got ze sense of ze humor. He is making me laugh too much." He huffs out, doubling over in more laughter.

I grab nicolo's arm and drag him away from the adorably excited man. Nicolo's glances at the fish next to us. "Let minnow what you think."

"I will let you know that this is getting so entertaining by the second, but what ARE we doing here?"

"We're gonna drop some beats with puns that are neat. Kapow."

I shook my head in an emotion that I couldn't really put a finger on. It was a solid mix between awkward, fascinated, and confused.

"Hey, gioia, I'm single and ready to FLAmingle." He winked and wiggled his eyebrows.

Rolling my eyes, I swiveled around and petted some gerbils that were scrambling around in fright.

This sounds like a huge BLAGUE.

The coffee brown coat on this gerbil had the whole latte swirl look that fancy coffee shops usually have. He peered into my eyes with a whole 'take-me-away-from-here' look and my heart melted. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder, but the little paw just stayed on my shoulder and I looked over and it was the cutest lil husky I could've seen. The icy blue eyes were no match for the cold outside and the gray/black/white mix coat was FLUFFY.

"Here's the cucciolo you scared earlier."

"Well, I don't think I scared him..."

Nicolo gave me a dead stare. "Yes, yes you did."

"Okay, maybe I did a little."

"Here, hold him."

and so I did. And also felt a warm tingle reach to my elbow.

"Did this kiddo just... pee. on. me?"

Nicolo gaped at the dark splotch that had begun to form at the elbow of my coat. Letting out a huge guffaw, he said, "You must've reallyyy scared him."

I pouted in disappointment because I really liked this puppy. Ah well, he can pee all he wants cause he's totally mine.

"Well, guess he stole my date from me. Oops." I said, kissing the top of the lil puppy's head.

Nicolo gaped at me and rushed to pick up the puppy from me, but I turned.

"Ah, ah, ah. Itsa mine now." I exclaimed. "And I also now dub him the name Eros."




"Eros is the greek god of attraction. And can I tell you that this puppy is more attractive than you."


"Anddd he claimed ME by peeing on ME."


HAHAH I won this date. 100%.

What was this date? 

I have no idea, but I had the time of life seeing Nicolo stare at me like a wonder that he hadn't ever seen when I held Eros closer to me, kissing the top of his head once more, knowing he had stolen my heart.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!! I'm glad I could toss in a new update for today after a longgg time. Hopefully, love's floatin in the air around for you because you deserve it. Otherwise, you gots you, yourself, and self- 3 of the strongest lovers <3

stay strong, positive, and you! :)

e p h e m e r a lOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora