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Damien's POV:

I took my last breath, nothing could keep me here for a minute more. Not the tinniest tether, most may find me selfish or a coward, but when one is put through so much, that is a constant, there comes a time when you've fought enough. I'm only human, there's only so much I can take and disappointingly I am not strong enough, some people are. This is my time, god is letting me go and is finally giving up on me and I am more than perfectly okay with that. I have known for years that i've just been existing and life is for the living, it demands to be lived and I'm wasting life by just existing and I'm not here to be a lost cause or time waster. I have been fighting for what feels like eternity and simply, I know that if its not today, I will let it find me another way. Never have I thought terminating life would have such relief and pleasure withheld.  I silently prayed good will and happiness for everyone I would not see for hopefully a long time for there sake, especially Valentina and Hugo, my little sister and best friend. I was finally taking my soul to a place of safety and serenity, an indescribable nirvana, taking with me the memories of the two people who have made most seconds a bit more barable, treasures that I could not love more. With all strength I had left I dug the knife into my chest. At first it hurt, blood was already prominent, drops falling second at a time; but they became blurry, my head became weightless as did my whole body, I think I was floating, well that was what the sensation was. Slowly a white light pierced my vision, I saw nothing after. 


I was in her room, it felt oddly weird, even thought my subconscious and unconscious were not technically in any sense of the word alive. Somehow I could just somewhat, feel. It felt entirely strange. I hovered over my sisters pale sleeping body, she was utterly still, the only motion from her body was her steady breathing. My nonexistent heart ached for her, little did she know tomorrow she would find out she no longer has a brother. I feel so guilty for leaving her, and Hugo but then again I couldn't carry on.  There was nothing anyone could do, to help or save me. As much as they tried. Everyone had tried to be there, but the right thing to do was clear. I was not meant to be here any longer, and that, was as clear as a plain white canvas. Not everyone finds happiness again and not everyone can be saved. I stayed and watched her sleep a little while longer. I hoped she'd find comfort in the little surprises she'd find left for her and someday would not blame herself for my suicide, I know too well she will feel responsible but after everything she will understand my reason, I hope and Hugo too.

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