Let the selfie games begin

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Summer didn't know why she just agreed to do that.  He was an absolute stranger.  Summer is no prude, or some 'goody-goody', she's a normal girl.  It was just weird for her to agree to do something like that.  Maybe it was because she thought that he was attractive?    Summer walked out of her bathroom to see it was just Tyler and her in her apartment.  He heard her and smiled, patting the spot next to him on the couch.  Summer was going to get her chance to get that key back.. 

"Thank you for the surprise party." She smiled, leaning on his shoulder. 

"Anything for my girl." Tyler smiled, pulling her closer.  They sat in silence for a while, watching tv.  Beth was about to get her chance.

"I was wondering, who gave you my spare apartment key?" She sat up. 

"I actually found it while unpacking one of your boxes." He smiled at her. 

"I was wondering, could I have that back?" She bit her lip.  Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused. 

"Well, why would you want it back?"  

"Oh, just in case I lost my main key, you know, hide the one you have in a plant or under a rug.." Summer trailed off, clearly uncomfortable.  

"Well, you could just go get another one made at-"  "No, that's not necessary, just give it back and I won't have to spend any money to get another key." Summer said, growing annoyed.  "Well that's alright, Summer, I'll pay for it." Tyler said, pulling out his wallet.  Summer sighed in frustration. "No, Tyler.  Just give me the key, back." She smiled, completely forced.  Tyler pulled the key out of his pocket and handed it to her, without saying a word.  "Do you not want me here?" He said, looking mad and upset at the same time.  "Of course I want you here.  It's just, we've barely been boyfriend and girlfriend.  I'm gonna give it some time before I give to a key to where I live." She said, looking down.  Tyler pulled her chin up and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.   "I'm sorry, I should've asked before I took the key." Tyler smiled sheepishly.  "It's okay." Summer smiled, before picking up her bag, getting ready to go to the shop.  "You're going in today?"   "I go in everyday." Summer laughed.    "Yeah, right." Tyler said.  Tyler stood up, walking closer to Summer. He hugged her goodbye, and kissed her on the lips.  Summer was confused with the way he was acting.  I mean, sometimes he was a little light in the head, but today, it was a lot.  First, the muffins, then the key, and then he forgot Summer was going to the shop, like she did every day.  Summer thought about him again, while walking to the shop.  What if he is some creep who wants to get into her pants?  Wouldn't he ask for her name, then?  And where she lived?  She had a feeling, he was actually who he was. Summer  walked into the shop to see that they were busy.  She cursed and ran around the corner, tying on her apron she made when she was fifteen.  She was handing people their orders and stuffing cookies and cupcakes into bags, in a hurry.  A tall guy in a jacket, with a hood on was next in line.  "Can I help-" Summer stopped her sentence when she looked up at the guy.  "Please don't scream."  "Wasn't going to.  Can I help you?" Summer smiled.  "I was the one who placed the order for the two hundred cupcakes with different designs, are they ready?"  The Aussie voice said.  Summers' smile completely washed off her face when he said his order.  He was the guy that placed the order that caused Summer no sleep and irritation for two hundred cupcakes.  He noticed her smile was gone and frowned.   "Something wrong?"   "Nope, sorry." She said, going to pick up the nicely wrapped up cupcakes.  She handed him the cupcakes, struggling with the heaviness.  "I'm sorry it was two hundred.  Well, at least different designs, I know that must be a pain in the arse.  It's just, today's our last day of tour and we're celebratin'."   "It's okay." Summer laughed, accepting the huge wad of money from him.  "Thank you, I appreciate it." He said, putting sun glasses on and avoiding eyes as he made his way out.  Summer smiled, just realizing she pretty much just had a decent conversation with Jacko from Brennan Taylor's vlogs.


Summer fell back onto her bed with a thud, closing her eyes.  Today had been dreadful.  It was crowded all day, it never seemed to slow down.  Summer  never got her break in, either.  She ordered one of those Pizza Hut dinner boxes that Blake Shelton talks about on tv on her way home from work.    It was ten minutes till midnight, glad that Pizza Hut stayed open late on a Friday night.  Summer was the last to leave the shop, cleaning up and getting other orders done.  Stress levels were nearing their high.  She always was the one who stayed late.  Nobody else did, but Beth did.  Her doorbell rang and she grabbed and twenty dollar bill from the kitchen counter and skipped to the door.  You could say she was a little excited?  Who doesn't get excited about pizza?  She thanked the pizza guy and told him to keep the change, not caring about cash back, she cared about food.  She got her place ready, setting her pizza and breadsticks on the coffee table, then poured sweet tea into a plastic cup.  Summer  has an unhealth addiction to sweet tea, along with goober grape peanut butter and jelly, five gum, and blankets.  She turned on her tv, seeing if anything worthy was on to watch. Summer doesn't even watch tv that much.  She's so busy with the shop, and just being herself, that she doesn't really watch tv.  She turned on an old recording of friends.  It was the one where Chandler and Monica are finally married and Monica opens all their wedding presents without telling Chandler, and their trying to find out whose baby Rachel's pregnant with and they find out it's Ross. Summer always laughs at Joeys reaction at the end of this episode.  Who doesn't love Joey Tribbiani?  She was stuffing her face with pizza when her phone buzzed.  She recognized the unknown number and picked her phone up immediately, to read the text.  She saw a picture of the same bushy eyebrowed, squishy faced guy, with a toothbrush.  'the selfie games gave begun.  brushing the teeth after some good ass cupcakes. :P'

Hope you enjoy this chapter

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