"We're good for now" he shrugged. I shit down on the bed he grabs the waist band of my underwear pulling me down my head falls onto his chest. He trails his hand up from my thigh to my stomach his other hand combs through my hair.

"Whatcha guys gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe hang out here for a bit" he replied. I nod.

"When do you work till?" He asked.

"7 so I only have a four hour shift today then again tomorrow but from 3:00 to 8:00" I say.

"Wanna go get some coffee and food?" He asked. I nod.

"Yeah sure why nod" I got up grabbing my leggings when the door opens.

"Wassssupppp bitchess" Jake walks in and I roll my eyes at him. He's like a second Luke I swear to god.

"You're early" Mason groaned.

"And you didn't show up in class, you know how much I hate that place without you" he said.

"I was asleep" Mason mutters.

"Sure you were" jake said glancing over to me in just his shirt.

"Shut the fuck up" Mason throws a pillow at his friend. "You're like way too early" Mason says.

"I was bored" he shrugs sitting on the bed with Mason. I grab some clothes for me to wear and my toiletries.

I go to the bathrooms and do all my things. When I get back to the dorm I shove my stuff into the bags. Mason and jake are talking about something while Mason grabs a shirt to put on.

"I'm going to get coffee, do you guys want anything?" I slipped my shoes on.

"Do you want us to come with?" Mason asked.

"No I'm good" I shake my head grabbing my bag. "Just tell me if you want something." They both say no and Mason try's to give me money but I just walk away.

I go down to the cafe and order.

"Hey you again" Austin said.

"Hey" I said he hands me my coffee I thank him.

"I don't think your boyfriend likes me" he tells me.

"He doesn't like any guy I talk to unless they're his friends" I said. I remember having a similar conversation with Conor.

"Protective or jealous?" He laughed.

"I think both" I shrugged.

"Maddie!" I hear Lydia's voice and I turn Austin looks too. "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever" she sighs.

"Yeah it does feel like awhile" I nodded she hugs me. She notices Austin and smirks. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"Isn't he like all jealous and stuff?" She asked I rolled my eyes while Austin laughs from behind me. I turn back to him.

"Mason met him already" I said sipping my coffee.

"Snd totally hates me" Austin said.

"Not hate he just doesn't- he'll get used to you" I said.

"Maybe, remember Conor?" Lydia says with a laugh.

"Conor was an asshole though" I said. "So it's different."

"We'll see" she shrugs.

"Well, I should go, see you guys in class" I said walking away.

I walk back towards the dorms. I sip on the coffee that's in my hand. Life hasn't been bad lately.

I walk into the dorm and get hit with pillows. I kick them away and glare at my boyfriend and Jake.

"Oh god, sorry babe we thought you were Alex" Mason said.

"Stop being children" I said shutting the door. "He's like a second Luke" I sing song.

"Who!?" Jake chirps while Mason laughs.

"True" he nods.

"Who!" Jake whines.

"No one Jake calm down" I said sitting on the other bed drinking my coffee. I pull out my phone actually texting Luke.

Me: I found your clone

He responds right away.

Luke: who!? And you finally write to me I MISS YOU!

Me: been busy, just one of Mason's friends

Luke: knew that son of a bitch missed me

I laughed at that.

Me: definitely does. You should just spam him with texts because he's been saying how much he can't wait to see you over break.

Luke: I know you're just trying to fool both of us. And I didn't fall for it but I still am going to just to annoy him.

Me: thanks!

I put my phone down and I start to hear Mason's going off. He picks it up confused and sighs at his phone.

"Why is Luke spamming me now?" He groaned.

"Don't know ask him" I hold back my laughter.

"You're a horrible person, you know how annoying he gets" he said.

"That's one of your best friends Mason calm down" I said.

"Now he's just being an asshole" he laughed turning the sound off and putting it down. I check the time. I still got about 2 hours till I gotta go.

"So! You guys coming out on Friday?" Jake says. Mason looks at me as if I should answer. I shrugged scrolling through my phone.

"I don't think I am but Mason is free" I said. I don't want him always spending his time with me. I don't want to be that clingy couple.

"Why wouldn't you go?" Mason asked.

"Don't feel like it, plus I can call Lydia over if I wanted" I shrugged. Like parties aren't too bad anymore but I don't want to have to deal with all the drama.


Soon the ours went by and I went off to work. Hopefully I am busier today and actually occupied.



Well I hope ya liked this chapter. Tell me ya thoughts on it I need some feedback. Anyways, some big drama is coming up in future chapters. Maybe not exactly soon but some time in the near future. Beware it's just a warning for you so you guys aren't mad at me. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. SEE YA. Xoxo.


Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now