I place my head back on my cheek and doze off again. My vision goes completely black from my eyelids being shut and Liam's voice is fading.

My body jumps up from a large stinging pain in my thigh. "Ow, fuck!" I cry and look down at my lap. A long red line is across my top leg. I look up and Liam is hovering over me with his board pointer in hand. He looks pissed.

"Are you seriously sleeping?" His voice comes out more calmer than I thought it would. "Do you know how disrespectful that is Ellie?" He leans in so he's right in front of my face, making me scared to speak.

"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't really get much sleep." I almost whisper. He stands back up straight, letting me breath my own air again.

"You better stay awake for this part." He says walking back to the board. "It concerns you." He keeps his eyes on me.


"Well, for all the girls in Shadow."

I sit up straight and pull my full attention to him. What does he mean all the girls in Shadow?

"Okay girls. We have a system here. When we send away the humans that get too old to live here anymore, we need to gain more, so you may be chosen to get pregnant. Just be aware of that."

Oh shit. I forgot about this. I don't want to get pregnant! I didn't even want kids when the world was normal, now I am going to be forced to have kids in this fucked up place.

"So does that mean that there are kids here in Shadow?" The boy next to me asks.

"No." Liam's answer comes out blunt. "We send them to a separate house where they are raised until sixteen, then they are tested to see if they are healthy and if so they come here and repeat the process."

"That's so cruel!" I blurt out before stopping myself.

Everyone turns to look at me and instead of looking mad, a smirk grows on Liam's face. "And why is that Miss Strong?"

"First of all you make us have kids, which I doubt nobody wants to and then you take them away from them! They can't even raise there own kid? That's so evil!" I yell and my subconscious is screaming back at me to shut the fuck up.

Liam continues to smirk which makes me less scared from my sudden outburst. "Who said we were nice?"

I scowl at him, but he ignores it. "Well that concludes everything you need to know. We will send everyone a schedule of your jobs around here." He motions for us to all stand up and leave. We all do as he says and jump up from our seats at the same time. "Oh, I almost forgot. If a vampire wants to use you for their pleasure, you must do it, just as if they were asking for your blood. That goes for you too boy. We have some horny girl vampires here, that love the helplessness of a little human." He explains and I gulp. Fuck.

Once again everyone stays silent. We start to move towards the door and Liam follows behind us. We all leave the library, or whatever it is and enter the hallway.

One by one Liam takes us back to our rooms. Leaving me last. We reach the end of the hallway in front of my door.

He jiggles the keys into the doorknob before forcing it open. He grabs my arm and pushes me inside, slaming the door closed, right after. I flick him off even though he can't see me. "Fucking prick." I mumble under my breath.

At least I can get some sleep now. I turn around to walk to my bed, but I jump in fear when I see Niall sitting on it.

"You scared me." I say out of breath.

He chuckles as he gets up from my bed and walks towards me. His eyes look down to my leg and I follow his glance. Sure enough a skin welt is on it. "Who did that to you?" He asks when he reaches me.

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