The Worlds Most Stupid Face

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I have a story to tell.

Now I know what you're thinking, or.... maybe I don't. To be honest, people can assume they know what other's are thinking, but how often is what they think completely correct?
Whether I know what you're thinking or not, I know that was a cliche begining to a story, but the story that I have to tell has its cliched moments.
The problem with most cliched things is that the creator often refuses to admit or rather, believe it is cliche. I can assure you, I am not that type of person.

This story starts off in the passenger seat of a car. It's Summer, so of course the window is rolled down and my head is half out the window like some kind of dog.  A song turns on that I love so much that I'd be insane not to sing to it. About half way through the song, I could barely glimpse a figure in the car up ahead, looking out their backseat window. Our car was going a little faster so as soon as we drove for a few more seconds and we were alongside the car, I saw his face.

He was making the worlds most stupid face. His mouth was pulled into a huge smile and his tongue was barely peeking out, while his eyes were wide. It felt like he was staring into my soul as he looked into my eyes.

I couldn't help myself, I laughed. The complete ridiculousness of the whole situation just made it so funny. It helped that he was super cute. As we started getting farther and farther away from him. His head turned and followed me until we both could no longer see each other.

Even as my dad and I walked through the store we had been driving to, my mind kept drifting back to him. I knew I would probably never know his name, or see him ever again, but that little moment we shared would always be in my mind.

When my dad asked me to run to the bread aisle, I didn't mind a bit. I minded even less as soon as I saw a familiar face.

He was in the aisle.

With a little hesitation I walked up to him and did an exact copy of the face he did, right back at him. We both laughed and ended up having a nice conversation. He gave me his phone number when we were done and three years later we are still together.
He has never been one to judge on appearances, and in a time where appearance is everything, I love that he excepts me for who I am, not what I look like. We've been through a lot of misadventures and hard times. Through everything though, we are still happy and together.

And it all started, with the worlds most stupid face.

               This isn't the End
     Love is merely the beginning

               Read Des. for A/N

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