Double Date and There's Gonna Be Trouble Part 2

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Chapter 14: Double Date and There's Gonna Be Trouble Part 2

I couldn't believe what Roni told me that I should be myself instead of pretending what I'm not then she looks at me that I haven't say anything to her after and she spoke up to break the ice since it got silence.

"Hun are you ok?" Roni asked

"Huh umm yeah I'm fine" I said

"Well you don't seem like it hun what's really bothering you?" Roni asked

"Well it's just there's this boy I like but the same time there's another boy who likes me and wants to have a date with me but I really don't know what to do" I said

"Maybe you should tell the other boy who likes you that you're not interested" said Roni

"But he wouldn't listen to me since he really wants to go have the date with me" I said

"Oh hun well it's up to you how you really feel about him" said Roni

"I know umm may I use your bath room to get ready?" I asked

"Hun you're already beautiful how you are, how much you want to get pretty?" Roni asked as she chuckles

"I want to impress the boy I like though" I said as I chuckled

"Sweetie remember what I told you just be yourself" said Roni

I nodded then I went to the restroom to get changed into my alter ego Elizabeth that I use the handicap stall that was in the bath room then I changed into some cute outfits for Elizabeth and wear my red wig as well.

I nodded then I went to the restroom to get changed into my alter ego Elizabeth that I use the handicap stall that was in the bath room then I changed into some cute outfits for Elizabeth and wear my red wig as well

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I left my big bag somewhere hidden for no one can't find out then I got out from the bath room then Roni looks at me a little confuse and spoke up after

"Hun is that you or are you Elizabeth Montana?" Roni asked

"Uh umm I'm Elizabeth Montana don't you remember me" I said as I play it cool

"Oh yeah it is you Elizabeth but have you seen this girl name Marie?" Roni asked

"Who's that?" I asked as I pretend

"She's a girl I know and she was here moments ago" said Roni

"Oh I think we cross path in the bathroom" I said

"Is she still there?" Roni asked

"Umm no I don't think so" I said as I play it cool

"Hmm ok well I'll be working now at the back since I don't have customers at the moment" said Roni

"Do I count like one?" I asked

"I suppose but you're a famous celeb why would you count yourself a customer?" Roni asked as she chuckled

"Well I want to get treated differently" I said

"Ok well don't post anything to your fans" said Roni

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