Chapter Seven: He's here

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"Yeah and is that my problem?" Rick asked harshly.

"Rick! How can you be so selfish?" Katherine asked, not believing what her brother is saying.

"You stay out of this, Kathy!" Rick told her harshly as he pointed at her.

"Well it is everybody's problem" Evy stated "And you shouldn't speak to your sister like that!"

"Listen, Evelyn" Rick began "I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on I agreed to take you out there and to bring you back! And have done that! End of job, end of story, contract terminated! And you leave my sister out of this!"

"That's all I am to you, a contract?" Evy asked, somewhat hurt by what he said.

"Look, you could either tag along with me and Kathy or you could stay here and try and save the world" Rick said, avoiding her question "What'sit gonna be?"

"I'm staying" Evy said defiantly.

"Fine!" Rick said as he walked away from her.

"Fine!" Evy said back to him.

"You coming, Kathy?" Rick asked his sister, who hasn't moved from her spot on the bed.

"I'm staying, Rick" Katherine told him.

"What? Why?" Rick asked her.

"Because" Katherine began as she stood up from the bed and the cat lept off her lap "I want to help Evy fix this mess"

"Why? You weren't the one who read from the book" Rick asked, bewildered.

"If you know me as well as you think you do, Rick, then you know that I am loyal to my friends and Evy is my good friend" Katherine said as she placed a hand on Evy's shoulder who smiled at her and she returned the smile "So, I'm going to stay here and help her fix this whether you like it or not"

Rick sighed, "Kathy..."

"No, Rick!" Katherine shouted at him suddenly "I'm not a child anymore! I can take care of myself. If you want to run away, go right ahead, I'm staying here to help and see this through"

The two siblings stared each other down for a few minutes, waiting for either one of them to back down. Rick knew he wasn't going to win this argument because when Katherine sets her mind on something, there's no changing it.

"Fine" Rick growled as he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Both Katherine and Evy huffed in irritation after Rick had left "I apologize for my brother" Katherine said turning to face Evy "He can just be so... infuriating sometimes"

"I see what you mean" Evy said as she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down "Thank you for standing by me, Kathy. It means a lot to know that you are willing to help me"

"Of course, Evy" Katherine said with a smile "You're my friend and I stand by my friends no matter what"

Evy returned the smile "Would like to help me clean up before we head to the library?"

"Sure" Katherine answered as she and Evy began to pick the clothes up off the floor and reorganize the books. After a few minutes of cleaning, Katherine had something important to ask Evy "Evy, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Kathy" Evy answered as she hung a few of her dresses in the closet.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Katherine asked as she placed a few books on the shelf.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do" Evy answered as she picked up another dress from the floor and straightened it out "Why do you ask?"

"Well" Katherine began "For the past few days I've been having these strange visions and dreams that take place back in ancient Egypt" Katherine then continued to explain to Evy about Nefera, Amun and how she is in the place of Nefera in the dreams and visions. When Katherine finished explaining this, Evy was silent for a moment to let all what she just said sink in before Katherine continued.

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