2.) Visiting the Past

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I haven't hit writers block yet. Hopefully it will continue to avoid me. If no one comments, I will have no motivation to continue this story. Please tell me if the chapters are to short. Also comment if you want more detail. Chapters are a minimum of 500 words. All help is appreciated. Thanks You!

I wander through the crowds at the beach, seemingly the only one dressed in skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt.  I can feel the many eyes staring at me, wondering how I am not dying of heat stroke.  I am looking for any Gifteds, because our numbers are decreasing.  One of our own has become bitter and is attacking schools.  He has many followers, and his power is increasing dramatically. 

I, of course, am not in my country.  I am in England, where a school was recently attacked.  They weren't a very strong school, so more than a few lost their lives.  I suddenly see someone with a tattoo on their hips.

I like to look for Gifteds on beaches, because everyone is in a bathing suit and showing their birthmarks.  I refer to them as both birth marks and tattoos because to me, both sound right. 

I follow the tattooed person until they stop.  I notice we are at the parking lot.  The person isa male, apparently talking with friends.  I study the birthmark a bit more and am shocked to realize that it matches mine.  I pretend to be texting on my phone, waiting for them to look towards me so I can match them with a name. 

When they do look at me, however, I don't revel in the hotness of my mate.  I stare in horror at the face every Gifted is taught to fear.  I stare at the face of Luca Night.

He looks at me, his trademark ruthless smirk taunting me.  I had never thought about Luca having a mate.  I was only ever concerned for the lives he was ending.  I don't think anyone else had concerned themselves about him having a mate.  Mates are equal in power, so that would mean one more problem.  Wait, what?

I am his mate, which means I am just as powerful as him.  His power is growing, he is practically an unlimited.  He is known to be nineteen years old, just like me.  Mates are born on the same day.  His eyes are striking, the ocean blue reflecting sunlight in quick flashes.  I find it hard to believe my eyes are just as dazzling. 

I am really glad I wore contacts today, along with normal clothes.  Eyes like mine aren't normal in the human world.  I don't want to think about what would happen if he found out we are mates.  No one else can find out either.  They would most likely do unthinkable things to me if they knew. 

I realize that I am still staring at him.  He is no longer smirking, but glaring instead.  I know that he is getting suspicious, so I turn around and run away. 

Hopefully he will just think that I am some boy crazy human.  Some random girl drooling over his awesomeness.  Wait, what am I saying?  He is evil.  He is a murderer.  I hate him.  What did I do to deserve him for a mate.

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