"Calm down, it's just sleep" I said.

"You're always warm, and nice to sleep next to" he informs.

"Well sorry" I shrugged. "I'm going to brush my teeth now" I add in and leave the room.

I go to the washroom to one of the sinks and take out my tooth brush and toothpaste. I put some on and turn the rap on and start brushing my teeth I move my hair out of the way when I feel someone lean their chin on my shoulder I look through the mirror and it's Mason.

"I thought you were going to sleep" I mutter my mouth full of toothpaste.

"You woke me up too much" he said.

"This is the girls washroom ya know" I said.

"And I don't think I care" he said with a smirk I roll my eyes. I spit out the paste and take a hand full of water in my mouth and spit that out after I rinse. I turn around my tooth brush in my hand.

"You should because literally a naked girl could just walk by and try to seduce you" I said he breathes out a laugh.

"I have standards Maddie and a girlfriend" he says.

"Who knows they could be hotter than me" I shrugged.

"Impossible" he says in a whisper close to my lips like he was inching forward the whole time.

"Very possible actually" I said he rolls his green eyes at me.

"Do you work today?" He asked.

"Nope tomorrow" I said.

"Good cause I'm taking you out tonight" he said.

"Where?!?" I chirp.

"You'll see" he grinned I rolled my eyes this time. "Now can we shut up and kiss?" He asked.

"Tell me where we're going" I said.

"No way it's a surprise" he said.

"You know I hate surprises" I groaned.

"Too bad babe" he smirks then leans in and kisses my lips softly his pointer fingers slightly touching my jaw while his other hand slides down to my hip pulling me closer.

"Let me get ready" I pull away from him.

"You have 2 hours till your class" he states.

"Yeah, and I want to go get coffee" I said.

"Which takes 5 minutes" he raised an eyebrow.

"You're obsessed Mason, no" I said pushing him away.

"Obviously I'm obsessed" he said. I roll my eyes playfully and grab my stuff and leave him in the girls washroom alone. I make my way back into the room and he comes in a minute later.

"I just got yelled at for being in the washroom, then she saw my face and stopped" he says and I laugh. "It's 2018 I can identify as a woman if I want."

"Do you?" I asked.

"No" he scoffs.


"Would you still date me?" He asked I shrugged.

"Don't really know, I don't want to be a lesbian so probably not" I said he laughs.

"I'm hurt, I would look and be a guy just identify" he said.

"Yeah but that means you're a lesbian if you identify, and I'm not...this isn't happening why are we talking about this?" I asked grabbing my leggings. We still didn't unpack anything in the small dresser we have. I also grab a gray t-shirt. Mason sits on the bed while I pick my clothes out.

Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now