You took the chance to look at where you were - not that there were many giveaways. There was just endless grass and sky, with trees bordering the horizon and a few clouds signalling that a storm was coming towards you. You narrowed your eyes, trying to find where the other people were, but apparently you were still facing the wrong direction.

Scar growled a few instructions to the driver of the wagon, and neatly hopped out of it with you in tow. You fought with him the moment that your feet touched the ground, the moment that you had a possibility of escape, But he merely laughed and another titan took charge of your other side, and all three of you traipsed your way to the front of the party. It was awful, with every titan looking hungrily at you with open mouths and glistening eyes. For a second, you were thankful that Scar was by you and had decided to spare you; if he weren't at your side, you most definitely wouldn't survive, especially since you had no weapon.

The titans in front of you parted, making you a path to the front. If you squinted, you could indeed see four people on horses approaching, hesitantly. They obviously didn't know what to do - and who would, when surrounded by one hundred titans with only a party of four?

As you got as close as Scar would allow you to the other humans, Scar kicked the back of your right knee with brutal simplicity. The movement made you fall down to the ground, your knees hitting the rocks beneath your feet. But both titans still gripped your arms, so you merely fell to your knees whilst snarling, but they held firm. There was no way you could get out of this. As you watched the four people who could do nothing but run, their horses came to a steady halt. Then one of them approached slowly, carefully, as though the titans were nothing to worry about.

"He's approaching us," the titan on your left told Scar with a simper. "Who would be that stupid?"

Scar hissed at him to be quiet, evidently at a loss for words, and so all sound fell flat as the person neared to a hundred meters away and stopped. The dark horse was holding its head high, the sun making its ebony body shine, with the person atop of it looking over the entire titan party as though they were nothing but the dirt on his boots. As his eyes met the sight of you, bloodied and kneeling in the mud, he stopped.

His lips formed your name with a look of deadly fury, and you smiled at him despite the pain aching from your knees. A weight was lifted from your chest as you beheld the raven hair, the frown lines on his forehead, the irritated quirk of his eyebrows.



"Stop right there," Scar snarled, although Levi had already stopped. He dug his nails into your scalp, tugging your head back so that he could hear your words. "What did you call him?"

"Nothing," you smiled, knowing that it would irritate him. There was no way you were going to repeat Levi's name - names had power. You weren't going to wield that power yet, not now. "I said nothing."

Scar growled and threw your head forward, doing nothing but making your neck throb and burn. You saw Levi tense, his feet starting to run towards you, but Scar laughed cruelly. "I said to stop. You wouldn't want this girl to lose her head, would you?"

Levi chuckled dryly. "Why haven't you monsters eaten her already?"

Scar tensed, and he stepped closer to you in a protective kind of stance. You knew it wasn't out of kindness for you - it was so that the rest of the titans knew that you were his property and that you were not to be touched. "Don't you know? Humans that are alive keep better. The dead rot quickly."

You could sense the lies, but you doubted that the other titans could. They'd just believe him blindly, thinking that the promise of meat was near. Levi snorted, throwing his head back to look at Scar with derisive arrogance. "What's one girl to you? There's an entire city of people at your backs."

The Human Princess - Levi x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara