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"Calum.... Calum. Okay calm down I'll be there soon.... No I promise I'll be there as soon as I can.... okay bye." Ashton sighed as he set his phone on the counter, impatiently tapping his foot, waiting for his coffee.

"Ashton?" A girl called, squinting as she looked about the crowd of people. Ashton looked up, waving, "That's me." She smiled and handed him his drink.

"That will be $3.56," He quickly pulled out his wallet, handing the girl a 5. "Keep the change," he smiled.

He walked out of the shop, completely forgetting about his phone on the counter.

Ashton pulled up to his friends apartment, getting out. He was mentally preparing himself for what he would walk into this time. He knocked on the door, no reply. He grunted, taking his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the door.

"Calum? You here?" He called. Crying could be heard from upstairs, he dropped his keys and his jacket on the table and rushed up the steps of the two story apartment.

Calum was sitting in the corner, facing the wall with his head in his hands. Ashton looked to the white crib, seeing the 1 year old bouncing and screaming. His worried expression softened, going over, picking up the small girl. She reached out to him, salty tears spilling from her big, brown eyes. Ashton picked her up and balanced her on his hip, wiping a tear with his thumb.

"I almost hit her."

Ashton turned his attention to his friend, who had yet to give him even just simple, "hello."

"Well hello to you too," Ashton scoffed, sarcastically as bounced the baby, trying to calm her.

Calum kept his eyes toward the wall, Ashton's on the back of Calum's head.

"I almost hit her, Ash. She just wouldn't... stop crying... I was just so frustrated."

"Hitting your kid isn't gonna help." Calum turned, "don't you think I know that? Why do you think I called you?"

Ashton shook his head, "you know I have a life too. I can't just drop everything when I get a drunk call from you saying you don't know what to do about your crying kid."

Calum got up, "fine then, just go back to your so called 'life' and give me my baby," Calum spat, reaching out for the child. Ashton kept his grip on her.

"What the fuck, you think I'm just going to give her to you after you just admitted to almost hitting her? Olives coming with me. Call me when you're ready to grow a pair and act like a real father."

Calum stood, dumbfounded. Ashton made his way to the door, grabbing the diaper bag, "and by the way, take a shower for once would you? You reek booze and sex."

Ashton grabbed the car seat on the way out and made his way back to his car.

He set Olive in the faded purple car seat, she squealed happily as he tickled her belly while strapping her in, "I know, your daddy is an idiot. We love him anyway right?"

Ashton climbed into the front seat, jamming the key into the ignition.

"Fuck" he mumbled to himself. He reached into his pocket, searching for his phone to call his boss to tell him he was going to be a bit late, but found it wasn't there. His eyes widened. He checked his other pocket. Nothing. His front pockets. Nothing. Hell, he checked the entire car. Nothing.

He sighed in defeat, "your uncle Ashton is an idiot too." Olive clapped her hands and giggled, she wasn't much of a talker but she sure giggled a lot.


Luke watched intently from the corner of the coffee shop, he took notice of all the types of people he saw pass through. He saw the usual teenage girls, pussy business men, as he liked to call them.

A boy set his phone down on the counter, his name was called, he paid for his drink and left. Luke followed the boy with is eyes as he got in his car and drove off.

Luke got up from his seat and walked up to the counter, picking up the phone and examining it. He looked around before slipping it into his pocket, then throwing away his coffee and exiting the shop.

He walked to the bus stop just around the corner, sitting down and waiting. He was alone so he decided to take another look at the anonymous boys phone.

Luke wondered if he'd ever see the boy again. How would he return the phone?

It'll only be a matter of time before he is stationed back in Iraqi. Luke wonders why he even bothers coming back here to South Carolina, there's nothing for him, no one for him. He feels at home on the battlefield, he feels like he's actually doing something with life rather than being just a waste of society.

He looked up at the sky, seeing the dark clouds roll in. The bus came from around the corner, people piled in. Luke was the last to climb on, the bus driver stopped him, raising an eyebrow, "didn't I tell you not to come back here, son?"

"Please, I promise I won't cause any trouble, I just need to get home."

"I can't say that I feel sorry for you. Should have thought of that last time when you put a kid in the hospital."

Luke's jaw clenched, "he wasn't a kid. he provoked me. You have to understand," he shouted. People turned their heads to watch the spectacle.

The man scoffed, "I have to understand? c'mon kid, you're causing a scene."

Luke looked around to see that everyone was staring at him, many of them looked frightened. Mayesville was a small town, rumors got around. Most everyone has heard about Luke's "tendencies". Most avoid him. Others see how far they can push him before he cracks.

"fine, I'll go," he snarled through his teeth.

Luke climbed off the bus, watching it speed off. Rain began to fall as he walked, sprinkling turned to pouring.

"Well that's just fucking great," he mumbled.

I don't know how often I'm going to be able to update this story along with my others but I'm going to try.

I'm basing this story of the book "Dear John" because it's like one of the best books I've read. Some of the quotes will be from the book/movie

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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