Chapter 2: Restaurant

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Liz pulled away slowly from the kiss. I smiled and chuckled a little bit, she was blushing like a mad man. "Let's go home." I let her down and her fingers automatically laced with mine, her hand felt so smooth and soft in mine; it was like an angel's touch. "What about Jack?" She looked into my eyes, "if he calls. The I'll take care of it," I chuckled and kissed her nose. She smiled with a small blush. We walked out of the back room where we took our photos and into the waiting area; there was a small girl sitting in a beautiful dress and, who I guessed was her mother, was sitting next to her in a black pantsuit; scrolling trough her phone. 

She looked very sever and ready to strike at any moment and time if somebody touched her daughter. The little girl looked up at me with a look in her eyes as like a cry for help, I quickly shook the feeling off and exited the building. Liz and I got in my car, "wanna get something to eat before we go home?" I suggested, turning the car key; "sure!" Liz cheered.

We drove towards the the town center where there were a variety of restaurants while my hand rested onthe center console while hers rested in mine. "Where shall we go?" I looked around at the different places, for a Friday afternoon; it was pretty dead. "The Distillery?" Liz suggested, "sure!" I drove down the road where the huge restaurant was located. We drove in silence before I spoke up, " long have you been wanting to do that?" Liz asked. I immediately began to blush, "a-a really long time, actually." I stuttered.

"Oh..." Liz looked down and I raised our hands, kissing her hand gently. She smiled at me while I pulled into the parking lot. We got out and clasped hands as we made our way to the door, I opened it and we walked in through another set of doors to wait at the desk for a table. While we stood there with our hands in each others, people sitting at the bar turned to look at us and made faces.

Liz dug her face into my shoulder as I held her close to me; "hello! Table for two?" A waiter approached us with menus in his arms, "yes, please." I nodded and he led us to a small booth, we sat across from each other. I grabbed Liz's hands and kissed them, the woman at the table next to us scoffed and muttered something inaudible. We just decided to ignore her.

We ordered our drinks and talked about our next cosplay plans and how school is going and stuff until the waitress appeared to take our orders. "I'll have a Glory Burger and a large basket for fries for the two of us." I said, "and I'll have the same." Liz smiled. The waitress wrote down our order, smiled, and left to put in our requests.

We kept talked and Liz leaned over and pecked me on the lips, I smiled at her and the woman from before approached us. "Ummm...excuse me but can you stop showing off your homosexuality? I don't want you exposing my children to anything inappropriate." I narrowed my eyes, "so two people who are in love showing affection is wrong?" I tilted my head.

"No. Two men in love is a sin." Liz and I started dying with laughter, we forgot that we are still in our Keith and Lance cosplays. "What's so funny?!" The woman shouted, people began staring.

I nodded at Liz and she took off her Keith cosplay to show she was a girl. But I kept my Lance cosplay on to not create an even bigger issuse. The woman looked horrified that Liz revealed herself to be a girl, I was chuckling to myself. "What is this monstrosity? A girl pretending to be a guy? Despicable."

"No ma'am. We are cosplaying." The woman shook her head at what Liz said, she then grabbed Liz's arm. That's it.

I stood up and stepped off the small raised platform. This woman was about 5'6, I'm 6'2. She looked up in terror as I towered over her. "Paws off my girlfriend." I growled, she just scoffed and let go of Liz's arm, soon sitting down after. I kneeled down to Liz to see if she was okay, she nodded and confirmed it and I sat back down in my seat. While we were talking until our food arrived, the man that sat with the woman stopped at our table.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for my wife's behavior. We're strong Christians and I believe that homosexuality isn't a sin but she has her own beliefs." He looked down, ashamed.

"No worries!" Liz said.

"Allow me to pay for your lunch."

"No, you don't have to do that." I refused.

"Please, I insist. For the trouble that my wife has caused." He looked over his shoulder and hissed towards his wife as he said that.

"Okay, thank you so much though." We shook hands and then our food came. Liz ate our burgers, pecking each other every once and while just to annoy the lady.


Liz and I were finishing off our fries when I got a message from Nia. "Liz we gotta go!" I quickly got up and texted Izo back, "why? What's going on?" She asked, following me out of the restaurant. We quickly got in the car, "what happened?" She asked again.

"Theres been an accident. John's in the hospital."


Holy it's been forver. But here's the second chapter! Third will be out later in the week!

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