(Damon's) Chase this light Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

I had no plan on letting J out today. It was the full moon tonight and I didn't want our scent outside. J of course had no clue what the full moon is about, well not anymore. She continued teasing me with steps out the door.  If she weren't so adorable, I would have sped over and dragged her inside tying her to the bed. Eventually she listened and stayed inside. We watched TV in my bedroom until she remembered we had to go see Donnie. I knew there was no changing her mind but I still tried. And yes, we ended up at the Dream Beat building near her house. Donnie was exactly what I thought he would be. Too many muscles and not enough man. Definitely didn't have to worry about him trying to hit on J. Donnie showed J some room inside the gym. Seeing the kids dance lit her up like a Christmas tree. All I saw was kids dancing.  I was not a dancer and definitely not a hip-hop dancer. Donnie offered her a job at the gym. I was happy for her but didn't want her out of my sight. Lock was near by at Tyler's and knew about this place. She would begin to wonder intentions if I always came with her to work. I wanted her all to myself at home with me alone. Jaysi wasn't sure about taking the job but eventually he sweet-talked her into it. She was game. I was happy for her nonetheless. J told him to give her some time to, I guess schedule it in her life. After Donnie surprised her, we headed to the hospital to see his wife and son.  

I hated going to the hospital. Too much sickness and blood. There's always that chance that someone I had compelled would recognize me. This hospital is loaded with people I stole blood from, fed off and told to provide me bags. It was almost seven when we got there. Donnie talked us through what has been going on.

"She is still trying to figure out what the guy looks like. She knows that he is taller than her and a white male. A few other things. The doctor says she is going to live but she is so traumatized she can't be around many people. I let her know about you and that you have no problem being around her. If it is ok, I did already tell her about some of the things you went through. Only because I was desperate to get her to see someone. It worked and she is willing to see you. Damon I am glad you came but you think you can wait outside her room. Just encase she - you understand right?" He asked.

"Of course. This is about your wife. I have no problem with it." I told him.

"Thanks so much, brother." He said taking my hand giving it a quick shake.

J gave me a tap kiss before walking into Donnie's wife room. There were two cops near the door. I was getting kind of worried being here. Donnie stayed with me after he brought J in the room. We got a coffee and talked taking a walk around the hospital. He told me about what happened with his wife. Her being attacked on the way to a meeting for work. They found her car on the highway with her nearby. My stomach turned when I quickly realized this could possibly be the woman I attacked on the highway when I was losing my mind because of J. I left her for dead and now I am having a cup of coffee with her husband. I wanted real, this is real.

"You ok? You look kind of sick." Donnie mentioned.

"Oh I'm good. It's these hospitals. They don't settle well with me sometimes." I lied dipping my face in coffee.

"I wish I could just take her home you know. She is all healed up except for the trauma she went through. It's costing us an arm and leg. She would feel safer at home."

"Why can't you take her home?" I asked.

"I am not supposed to say much but they think that there is a killer out there. Down in Mystic Falls the town over; a couple of girls have been killed. In the past year or so, many attacks have been going on. I don't know if Jaysi knows but seeing what she as gone through I think if she don't know don't tell her. I'm just saying. My wife doesn't even know and she is a victim herself." Donnie says.

Damon's Desire.   Santana's Desire.  Fanfic Book Series 1.Where stories live. Discover now