4 against 1? or 4 against 3?

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jess' pov//

three 'doctors' walked in, only to realize that they weren't doctors at all, valak. 

the devil himself stood next to two girls both of which were dressed in doctor or nurse clothing, the girl to his left had long brown hair with blonde/caramel highlights, i had never seen her before but i had smelt her sent somewhere before. then the girl to his right was Lucy? the tester from the training arena? what was she doing here. with him? 

valak picked up some clothes from a bed, and threw them to Ethan. Ethan just stared at me with a somewhat dead glare, like he was dazed. he didn't even look back and caught the clothes with one hand. he stepped aside. and i came back to remembering a man who wants me dead is standing right in front of me. lovely. 

i slowly crawled further back on the bed, i was in a room with a two insane men, and two women who possibly would like to kill me too. they dont seem to happy with my presence. i looked over his shoulder to see he left the door open, if i lash out i may be able to get past and run to the door. i prepare to get up, but valak chimes in leaving me stuck. 

" no no no sweetheart, you see if you look to the left of the room there is a camera that is being monitored by some powerful people we dont need to cause a scene now do we?" 

"what do you want." 

"ha, i thought i made it clear the last time. i want you and your wolf dead, with your head on a post, that i will display in my pack house, to show my greatest achievement yet." he chuckled out

"well it didn't seem to go to well for you last time, i seem to recall umm. escaping and throwing you into a wall was it?" i smirked. if my power was so rare, i must be more powerful than him right. right?   

"hm, well as you see i have a few recruits with me, this young lady here is lucy, my sister. ever wonder how i found out about the new most powerful wolf without even leaving my home? seems as if even with a powerful wolf and multiple alphas on campus you still couldn't smell a rat." he smirked. that bitch, i knew she didn't believe me. 

"And this young lady, is Cameron. Ethan's sister. also known as one of the greatest witches living today. did you know she took out half a pack in under for minutes. that's some real talent right there." 

I didn't know how to reply. my mate, my  mates sister, one of my parents pack members, and an alpha all seem to have something the against me. And i literally just turned into a wolf three or four months ago! 

I got up to run, if i didn't leave now, then might never get out. but as quick as i got up, i was thrown straight into a wall and held there suspended in the air with nothing holding me. i look up through blurry vision to see Cameron holding out a hand and turning it into a fist. I felt like a can being crushed by a foot, all the air in my entire body was pushed out my torso completely restricted, my breath just kept coming and coming until there was not more air, bu there was blood plenty of it, dribbling out of the side my mouth, ears and nose. 

i must be the shittiest special being, if i can be killed in a matter of 10 seconds. but i didn't die my spirit was pushed back as someone else took control of my now dying body. as my body raised my hand to may chest, my hand slightly tinted a grey color, as my lungs where quickly re filled with air. i could finally breath. but i had lost to much blood as i dropped to the floor in a heap, and the nothingness consumed me.

My body was useless but my mind was running wild, srceaming at my wolf to tell me what just happened. 


'Ok, um i also nearly died so don't be so selfish, also dont yell at me im a bit sore in the head thank you very much. and to answer your question that was you elemental personality, kinda like a different, way better, stronger, cooler, nicer version of you.' 

'so theres three of us!?'

' hello, im Ellie, im you elemental personnel. um yeah i uh just refilled our lungs with our powers. i kind of didn't want to die.but its Ok it's not your fault. also drew dont be so rude when we turn into a elemental, we are all given equal parts so im not that special. she is the one in charge of us.' she seemed kind of shy, strange for someone so powerful to be introvert.

' its nice to meet you ellie, also thanks for saving us all im not the best at saving myself in these kind of situations' 

' dont worry sweetheart, i only really come out when there is a near death kind of danger, and you've been doing pretty good by yourself so far' 

'hey! i help sometimes! you act like im not even here' 

'your the one who gets us into this shit drew its not my fault.'

' Ok ill talk to drew later but i think its time we wake up.'

-please read-

heyyy. sorry for the short chapter, i know i said id update more but im a lazy bitch and that wont happen so, sorry.

 also i forgot to tell you but the author of this book changed around like chapter 2-3 idk when we switched but, her name is kate she's my best friend and she was the original writer of chapters 1,2,3 and iv done the rest. just thought i would let you know. but if you were here from the start you would know she put a picture of a girl as the main character.

 umm yeah so when i was reading through to start my part of the book i saw the pic... IT WAS ME, THIS BITCH USED ME AS THE MAIN CHARACTER. so im sorry if you had to see my rat face but yeah i took it down for your health and safety.  But uh yeah Whats up my name is Jess, its nice to meet you. 😉 

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