Chapter 7: Bad, Bad Bears

Start from the beginning

While watching, Y/N noticed that Tsumugi was drawing something up in her book. "What you drawing there?"

"Oh they're just my OC's"


"Yep." Tsumugi held up her book. In it there where five bears that were similar in appearance to the one in the anime he was watching except they where all different colours. "I call them the Monokuma Kubs or Monokubs for short. I came up with the idea of what it'd be like if the bear of despair had his own children."

"I see. Impressive line work."

"Thank you."

Miu, for the first time, came to the table Y/N and Tsumugi were sitting. She peaked at Tsumugi's drawing. "Hah what a bunch of nerd stuff. What are those things even meant to fuckin be."

"They're little robotic bears that are the children of Monokuma." Tsumugi answered.

"... The hell is a Monokuma."

"It's like them but he's black and white."

Miu looked up and down from the drawing to Tsumugi's face. "Tsh, what's so unique about taking the concept of a fuckin cartoon character and retracing it to look slightly different."

Tsumugi adjusted her glasses slightly. "Oh boy." Y/N muttered

"Ahem, first off, this show in an anime not a cartoon, there's a difference. Second, creating art of characters you wish to be in a show can be fun and interesting... granted there are some mixed results at times."

"Kyahahaha, well it's a shitty looking drawing to me!" Miu cackled while proudly placing her hands on her hips.

"Miu, knock it off."

Those words alone said by Y/N were enough to get Miu in her submissive state. "Heeeee, o-ok Y/N."

This happened quite frequently actually if Miu was insulting someone mercilessly Y/N would chime in to stop her by simply asking her to quiet down. That, or the person she's talking to might have a sharper tongue and insult her back resulting in the same effect.

Tsumugi wiped off some of the rubber specs that were on the page. "This actually took me a while to draw since I had to decide on all of their personalities too."

Miu swiped the book out of Tsumugi's hands and had a closer look at the drawings. "So these took you a while to draw to draw? Hah I could make these fuckin things in a pinch."

Instead of taking that as an insult Tsumugi seemed to be excited by the thought. "Could you really do that?"

"Tsh, of course I could."

"Well, could you prove it then?" Tsumugi asked while offering her book of drawings to MIu.

Miu swiped the book from her. "Fine then. Hey Y/N c'mon and give me a hand."

"Alright then." Miu packed her bag full of nooks and crannies then went to the tech room with Y/N.

"Ok Y/N boy while I'm start with the inner workings why don't you go dow to the art department and get some paint." Y/N had one last look at the drawing. He nod his head and went to the art room with a large collection of paint. Miu cracked her fingers and smacked some aluminium metal on to a table. "Now to create these lil' shits."

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