I scan the pages closest to me and read some of their contents.

"Wow" I whisper to myself as I read details about her past.

There were things about her childhood, a fire, the Soviet Intelligence, and even about her time in the Red Room.

I smile to myself a little as I read about some of the similarities we share.

"Ballet." I murmur; the one thing that I could say I truly loved in all the darkness that surrounded me.

I glance at her briefly and see that she has a faint smile too at that.

Then there are things about her life beyond training, the notes become more personal and more intimate. I stop reading.

"I don't want to pry into your background." I tell her, gently moving the papers away from my view.

"You aren't" she reassures me, "I just felt like there might be things in here that could help you."

I give her a half smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes.

I didn't think there was much that was going to help me at this rate.

I see her eyeing my turtle which I rest on my lap.

"Is that yours?" She inquires.

I nod, pulling the toy from my lap and placing it on the table in front of me.

"His name is Glavnaya. It means – "

"Home" she cuts me off. "Glavnaya is home."

I look back to the turtle, my fingers tracing the stitching around it.

"Well," She says as she glances over to clock on the kitchen wall, "I think we should get some sleep. Clint will be back in the morning."

I bite the inside of my cheek and say nothing.

Maybe I was worried about him. But that was silly, he was a spy. He can take care of himself.

I follow Natasha up the stairs and she leads me back to my room.

She picks up my old clothes and puts them in a basket in the hallway.

I pull out the bed's blankets and get in under the covers. It was a lot softer than I was used to.

My hand went instinctively up to the backboard. Nat watches me wordlessly.

Realising my mistake, I slowly bring my arm back to my chest, feeling something churning inside of me.

Natasha places her hand on top of my arm that I cradle.

"You won't have to do that ever again." She promises me, her eyes bore into mine.

I swallow the lump in my throat and avert my gaze.

"Goodnight Eva." She whispers on her way out.

I roll onto my side and hug my turtle as the light disappears with her.

For the next few minutes I lie there as still as possible and listen.

I listen to Nat walk to her room. Then a little while later I listen to her go back downstairs.

My eyes start to droop as sleep creeps in.

At one point I swore I could hear two voices, but I was pulled under before I could be certain.

The last thing I remember before succumbing to sleep was the sound of Glavnaya tumbling from the bed and landing on the floor.

(Clint's Perspective)

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