Hey W.D

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You are sitting at your desk, doing the pile of paperwork that Gaster gave you. You'd think he'd take it easier on me... you think as you look up at the time. 10:00 pm. You sigh because you have two hours left of work to go. Guess I'm not sleeping tonight... you say reading your next peice of paper.

You hear someone walk in and you know that it's Gaster, you don't look up, just deciding to continue working and you hear him chuckle to himself. He walks over taking half of the papers from your pile. You finally look up at him.
"Gaster what are you doing?" You ask softly.
"It'll be done quicker if we do it together." He says starting to work on his share.
"I can do it Gaster."
"I'm well aware of that fact (Y/N), you wouldn't be working for me if you couldn't but, humans need more sleep than monsters do." He says looking sincerely worried.
"I know you haven't slept in two days. If I'm working you to hard tell me (Y/N)"
"I'm fine Gaster."
"You say that everyday."
"Gaster just drop it."
"No. In fact, I'll finish these tomorrow, we're going home. Now. And you're having a day off tomorrow."
"N-no! Gaster there is work to be done!"
"And I said I'll do it. No complaints (Y/N) I've made up my mind," He said and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the door.
"G-Gaster! Stop! I'm fine! Let me work!" You say trying to shake his grip. He just holds on tighter, pulling you out the front door.

Once you're outside he lets go, the lab already locked. You decide you'll just come back tomorrow and start to walk home, Gaster walking next to you.
"Sorry (Y/N), but you aren't naturally a skeleton, so I can't have you working yourself... to the bone." He says, making you smile.
"You have to work on your jokes Gaster, they aren't very humerus," He chuckles.
"See now that's more like you (Y/N)," He says gently. You both take a step into Snowdin. You immediately start to shiver.
"Geez... why'd you choose to live in a constantly cold climate, but work in a continuously hot one? I never know what to wear to work," You say, slightly complaining, slightly joking.
"Because, I love the look of snow, and skeletons don't get cold. We don't have skin"
"Yeah but... wait. Wow."
"You finally told me something that's about you, as a person," Your eyes widen in shock. He likes to keep things very professional, no small talk, getting to know you business.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asks inquisitively.
"No just... are you feeling ok?" You say, now joking with him.
"Oh very funny (Y/N)."
"No seriously, do I need to check your hp?" You say, summoning his soul to check his hp. Gaster taught you how to summon monsters and heal their hp so, he wasn't worried that you were gonna hurt him and then you noticed.

"Gaster! Why have you lost 10 hp?!" You say worriedly. He pushes you away slightly and gets rid of his soul.
"That's none of your concern." He says flatly.
"Oh no, Gaster. You just took me out of the lab because you were worried about me. So you're gonna tell me," You say, demanding an answer. You're both approaching the house. As you get near to the door. You block Gaster from opening it.
"Wing Dings," he cringed at the way you said his name. Like you were mad. Everyone calls him Gaster or W.D. Only if he's in trouble is he ever called Wing Dings.

"I'm fine." He says, trying to de-escalate the situation.
"Bullshit" You say. You get upset with him and pull him inside, dragging him into the couch and then grabbing your medical kit.
"(Y/N) you don't need to-"
"Shut it, you." You say summoning his soul. You start working on it, noticing that his hp is gradually going down.

"Gaster. It's either you tell me or I go searching for the wound." You say. Noticing him blush. He takes off his trench coat to show a small fracture on his right ulna. You look at it in shock.
"G-Gaster... how did you? Manage this?" You ask, he looks slightly upset.
"Nevermind I don't need to know... Just let me fix it." You say, picking up the medical kit. Then you hear a door open upstairs and Sans walks out of Papyrus's room. He notices you tending to Gaster's wound. Gaster see's Sans and goes to hide his arm and you shoot him a death glare.
"Gaster... Sit still."
"Hey (y/n). what happened to dad?" he asks walking over and sitting down next to you.
"Hello Sans. I'm not sure how but he's fractured his ulna. He won't tell me how." You sigh, reaching for something in the bag before Sans hovers it in front of your face.
"Here I'll help." He says with a big toothy grin. You smile and take it from him.
"Thanks, Sans."
"Sans, You should be going to bed." Gaster says, upset that his son is helping heal him.
"Oh Gaster, leave him. He sleeps all day anyway... just let him help me get this done." You say wrapping his arm in a cast. And leaving it to dry. You pack up the medical kit.
"Let's put you to bed now ,Sans." You say, extending your arm to take him up to his bed. He nods and gets a cheeky grin.
"sure, can you tell me a bedtime story?" He says as you both start walking up the stairs.
"Sure. What type of story?" You laugh slightly.
"One about you, on the surface." He says, exited about learning more.
"Alright, sure. I can do that. Though, my life isn't a very interesting one." You say opening his bedroom door.

~~~Le time skip, (saving writers since 1962. xD)~~~

You walk out of Sans' room and close the door quietly and you hear plates be put on the table, you walk downstairs and see Gaster smiling at you, pizza sitting on the table.
"I thought you might be hungry." He says walking over to you. "So I thought I'd get us some pizza."
"A man who knows how to treat a woman properly... wow... that's rare." You say sarcastically and give him a small hug to say thanks, then bound over to the pizza. He chuckles.

Gaster's POV

She's acting like a child again, she's always like that, really professional and driven at work but, as soon as she's at home, she's carefree and energetic, making anyone's mood happy and, she draws people in with her smile, making them want to make her smile over and over again.

I care so much for a human, even when I promised myself that humans are smart and manipulative, never caring for anything but themselves, some cared for their species but, nothing else. Then, I met (Y/N) an intelligent young human who was caring and kind to everyone, human or monster. She was strong but never tried to hurt others, only for the protection of herself or the ones she cares most about would she raise a hand to someone. She's the exact opposite of what I thought humans were.

She's perfect.

Third person POV

"Gaster?" (Y/N) says waving your hand in front of his face. She smiles at him as he snaps out of his daydream.
"Sorry (Y/N)? What were you saying?" he says, looking into her eyes, studying her face.
"Well two things. Are you gonna have pizza and, can I sign your cast?" She says, laughing a little.
"Sign my cast?" He says, looking down at his cast. "Is that something humans do?"
"Well, Yeah, for friends and loved ones." she smiles, pulling out a marker.
"Ok sure." He says, extending his cast towards her, smiling. She smiles and takes the cast in her (N/D/H) and writes on it with her (D/H). She writes Get better soon W.D. ~(Y/N)  <3  She smiles, putting the marker down onto the table.
"Now... Lets eat Pizza!" She says putting 2 slices of pizza on each plate and picks both plates up. Gaster walks over to the couch and turns on the TV. (Y/N) walks over and sits down next to him, handing his plate to him. He takes it and relaxes next to (Y/N). They sit quietly, eating their Pizza.

~~Time skip (Brought by my laziness)~~

I don't know what this POV is.

"Ok Gaster. I'm gonna go to bed now" You say as you get up from the couch. He grabs your arm as you go to leave.
"(Y/N), wait..." He says, a small purple blush creeping on his face.
"Yes Gaster?" You say, turning around to face him.
"Thank you for today." He says.
"What part?" you say, a grin spreading on your face.
"Everything you did for me today." he says letting you ago.
"You're welcome Gaster."
"You're still taking the day off tomorrow." He says.
"So are you." You say, smiling at him.
"What?" confusion spreading on his face.
"You're injured, even if you go into work, I'll call Asgore. You're staying home Gaster," you say laughing.
"Fine. Goodnight (Y/N)." he says getting up to go to bed as well.
"Yeah, goodnight Gaster." You both walk to your rooms. And go to sleep.

1511 words ^-^ You're welcome. I'll try to keep the chapters long for you.

Edit: Just checked all my grammar... it should be good now... Let me know if I wrote something wrong.

Gaster x Reader (Probably will be a Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now