C.A.K.E.D-F.O.U.R part 1

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Adalynn and Father have been married for six months and It was the DCFDTL's birthday, Adalynn was excited to celebrate it because it was the first birthday that they will be spending as a family."So, they try to steal your cake every year" Adalynn questioned her children as she was making their birthday breakfasts which consisted of Pancakes, fruit, milk, and orange juice. "Yes Mother they do" The children replied in unison "that's just not right" Adalynn replied as she dished out the breakfasts and gave a plate to her each of her children. Adalynn then dished out her and Fathers Breakfast's which was the same thing only with instead of juice they were having coffee.

"Where is your Father," Adalynn said as she noticed the absences of her significate other. "He must be still sleeping," Adalynn said as she left the table and walked to the Master bedroom where she found her husband still sound asleep without his shadow suit on he looked so peaceful Adalynn almost felt bad waking him up almost "Oh Benny-kins  Love of my life Breakfast is ready" Adalynn said as she crawled on the bed a gently shook her husband .

He cracked open one of his yellow eyes and smiled at his wife "good morning my darling" Benedict said as he stretched, he got off the bed, he then got dressed in his usual outfit and his shadow suit surrounded him turning Benedict Uno into Father. "So, what did Jenkins make for Breakfast," Father asked as Adalynn took his arm as the couple walked to the dining room. "Actually I gave Jenkins the Morning off, and I cooked us breakfast," Adalynn said "really, "Father said as they made it to the Dinning room. "Oh don't sound so surprised, my Mother taught my siblings and I how  to cook and she a really good chef, where do you think Anthony gets it from," Adalynn said as she sat down  " besides my mom would always make us a birthday breakfast and I wanted to continue the tradition with our children so, if you don't like it there's in oat bran in the cabinet" Adalynn said as she dug into her breakfast 

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