The Sleep over part two

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The morning sun was shining though the windows of the Delightful Manor illuminated the 5 children, and Two adults who fell a sleep on the couch the night before after roasting marshmallows over the fire place and Adalynn telling ghost stories that she heard from her brothers when she was kid. "Ugh" Father groaned as he stretched from sleeping on the slightly  uncomfortable couch as he looked at his children who were either cuddling with each other or with Adalynn the scene was cute he mused "morning Ben" Adalynn said tiredly "morning Addy , do you want some coffee" Father asked as got up quietly as to not disturb any of the children . "Yes that would be great " Adalynn said with a tired smile  as she gently untangled herself from Ashley and Constance who were still sound a sleep  .

She  joined Father in the kitchen "are you okay Addy  you seem a little stiff" Father asked as he started to brew the coffee "stiff that's an understatement Ben I feel like I slept on the ground last night " Adalynn replied as she sat down at the kitchen Island . "Same here  hon, I tell ya If we ever get married please don't make me sleep on the couch" Father said in a half joking half serious tone  as he poured two cups of coffee  while Adalynn's face flushed dark red  at the word Marriage .

"How do you like your coffee Addy" Father asked as he got out a bowl of  sugar and a carton of  cream "t-two spoonfuls of sugar and a little bit of cream please" Adalynn replied while her blush got worse on. On the following Monday Adalynn was back teaching  but, her thoughts about marrying Father never left her mind

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