The Perfect Girl

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First Person

I had always passed by the Literature Club, apparently Monika had left the debate club to make this one. Each day that I passed by I would see the four girls, although one always caught my eye. She was perfect, how could I ever resist her?

In fact, I have actually decided to join the literature club. Each member was excited, and I was too.

"So, I'm Monika! This is Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki."

"Y'know, I made cupcakes for a different person who was joining.. but I think you should have one too." Natsuki smiled. Then handing me a cat-cupcake.

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" I smiled, biting into the delicious pastry.

"No problem, I'm the best at baking here." Natsuki beamed confidently.

Yuri and Sayori were eager to talk to you. Monika just sat down, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"What do you guys normally do?" I asked, to the three girls. Natsuki was sitting on the sidelines, listening to your conversation.. but not butting in.

"Well, we read and stuff." Sayori shrugged.

"Really? No activities at all?" I asked, poking Monika.

"Uh.. sorry, I haven't really planned anything out yet."

"We could read just like normal.." Yuri mumbled. "Or we could write things.."

"That reminds me!" Monika took out a peice of torn notebook paper. At the sight of it Natsuki suddenly snatched it out of her hands.

"Don't read that! It's private!" She huffed. "How did you get to it anyways?"

"Oh, I saw you throw it in the trash." Monika shrugged.

"Monika, I know I'm the not club president, but don't you think that's a bit rude?" Yuri blushed.

"Yea!" Natsuki agreed.

"Hey, don't gang up on her..!" Sayori protective-ly argued.

Monika started sweating nervously, "Guys calm down.. I'm sorry for butting into your privacy.."

"So.. what were you about to say before?" I asked Monika.

"I was thinking we could all write poems tomorrow! But.. like Yuri said.. we can just read today."

"I don't have anything to read with.." I chuckled.

"Oh... you can read with one of us then!" Monika nudged your shoulder.

"If that's the case.. then I choose.."

Natsuki= Chapter N1

Yuri= Chapter Y1

Sayori= S1

Monika= M1

(Note: chapters come slow because I have to write out all the separate characters choices. And remember to skip chapters if you didn't choose them! This is not a normal book.)

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