01 - " Things backfire .. Don't they Ariana ? "

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Justin's POV

I sit there in class ; sketching out a beautiful picture of the ' love' of my life sitting in front of me . No we don't date but ... I  think she's so beautiful . 

I sketch out her eye-catching brown hair , her sparkling brown eyes , and her blinding white smile . If I ever get a chance to show her . I think she'll like it ..

The noise level in the class starts to get louder and louder , and it started to make drawing everything "perfect" a little hard . I put my pencil down and I started spacing out and looking around the redesigned classroom .

The sound of Selena's voice made me snap out of it .

" Hahaha , is that a picture of Ariana ? " Selena yells loud enough the class could hear . I start to feel uncomfortable as the class starts to laugh , including my bestfriend ; Abel .

I always tell Abel how I feel about Ariana and how much I like her , so for him to just laugh at Selena's comment ... I almost lost it ..

" No it isn't , move . " I say lightly shoving away Selena's pointing finger with my elbow . 

" Then prove it . " Selena lashes back at me .

" Yeah Justin , prove it . " Taylor yells from the back of the class . Taylor and Selena are the biggest bullies in the school , if you see or know someone in school that has a interesting flaw .. they'll make fun of it .

Prove it ? How am I going to prove it ? Selena takes the sketch from my desk as she scans the way I drew out Ariana's hair . " Haha what the hell ? Her is- You know her hair is fake ; right ? " 

" It's just the ponytail Selena . " Ariana said extremely low . "  Oh yeah , that's right . That's because your hair is damaged to the root for trying to steal my hair-color  . "Things backfire .. Don't they Ariana ? " Selena said back to Ariana with a smirk on her face .

All Ariana could do is roll her eyes .

Selena starts to crumble the paper with her hands and she placed the balled up paper right in the palm of my hand .

" Throw the paper at her or snatch her ponytail off , you choose . " Selena stares into my eyes intensely .

I shouldn't have to choose to hurt and embarrass my Ariana in front of a public eye . 

I close my hand with paper still in it . " Stop it Selena , you're really being childish . We're in highschool not elementary . "

" Just admit to the fact you were sketching out a picture of Ariana ! "

" I shouldn't have to admit to anything , what I was drawing has nothing to do with you . " I snap at Selena leaving a shocked facial expression on her face . Her cheek becoming extremely red , she walks away back to her seat .

I smirk to myself and I sit back down in my seat . I start to hear multiple sniffles from the seat in front of me .

It's Ariana .

The teacher returns back to teaching which leaves me to face the fact that I can't get out of my seat and ask Ariana what's wrong . It's eating me inside because I'm so curious to know what's wrong . It's not normal for her to become this emotional in class , at least I don't think .

I take the sketch still in my hand and put it in my pocket .

Ariana's POV

I need to get out of this class , now . I hate to think about how bad Selena just did to me and everything she has planned in the future to embarrass me more .. I raise my hand until the teacher sees me .

" Yes Ariana ? Do you have a question about this problem ? "

" Uhm no ma'am , could I go to the bathroom ? " my voice sounding extremely shaky causing to have the majority of the class look at me .

" Sure thing Ariana , just grab the pass . " I grab my smaller bag out of my backpack and walk out the class with most eyes still on me .

As I walk toward the bathroom door , I glance at someone with short straight hair kinda and he was a few inches taller than me . I haven't seen him before , maybe a new student ?

My "glance" was longer than I thought and he looks up at me , we make eye-contact .

He smiles . " Hey , are you okay ? " he asks me . Maybe he could tell something was wrong with the dried up tears on my cheek .

 " I'm fine " giving him a fake smile .

I quickly walk into the bathroom not giving him a chance to say anything else .

Damn it . I didn't get his name .


" Okay class , chapters 2 and 3 are due next class . " As Mrs. James finished her sentence the bell for next period rang .

Second period already ? Could the first day of school go any slower ? I gather all my things and I feel a hand on my shoulder .

" Hey , are you okay ? I didn't know if you were upset earlier in class and I didn't want to get in trouble for asking . "  

I've seen this guy last school year but , we never talked . Until now I guess . I just never knew his name .

" Yeah I'm fine now , I'm just so tired of Selena and Taylor with their mess . " I said to him placing my hand on my forehead .

" Yeah I understand , but I'm glad you feel better ; I'm Justin by the way . " Justin tells me 

Justin's POV

" And I'm Ariana "

I already knew that but , I was glad to hear that reassuring feeling now we've been introduced to each other .

" I'm also flattered you were drawing a 'picture' of me "  Ariana told me as she lightly laughed and put up her two fingers up and down to symbolize the fact she was putting quotations around the word " picture "

A strike of embarrassment crawls through me as my cheeks turn the color of blood  .

" Oh uhm yeah haha , that wasn't nothing .. " I say to Ariana as I stumble over my words

" Is it okay if I see it ? " 

I really didn't wanna show her because she might think I'm a creep or something , I'm insecure about those type things .

" Maybe some other time ? I'm going to be late to my next class . " I quickly walk out the class .

Ariana's POV

I could tell Justin was embarrassed when I asked him to see the drawing he did of me but , I'm determined to see it .

I really thought it was weird that he was drawing a picture of me and we didn't really know each other but , I also thought that was pretty cool . He also seems pretty cool .


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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