Chapter 9 Meditation

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Time passed as you practiced your new skill. You went to the shooting range each and every start date you could. Soon you would be able to use phasors with your abilities without even thinking about it. Though at the moment, you weren't exactly there yet. Captain Kirk soon took noticed of your new routine, "Going back to the shooting range?" he asked you while you just finished the end of your shift. You stopped in your tracks, "Well I'm going to go eat first, sir. Can't practice on an empty stomach" you told him. Not like you were exactly proud to admit you were going back to the shooting range, but not like you could hide it. Only your secret agenda. The only bad thing about the whole thing was neglecting actually handling a phasor with your own hands. Though there was no need to improve if you were decent at it. You just wanted to focus extending the use of your abilities.

After spending time at the range for a few hours, you suddenly developed a headache. Your brain must not be used to this kind of mental training yet. Though you would get a lot of headaches when you over used your psychic abilities when you were younger. You should allow your brain to rest and not push it any more for today. Though there has to be some way to help your brain get used to the training. For now, you were just going to go drink a cold bottle of water and probably take a short nap. You entered the turbo lift and took it down. Before you got to your destination, the lift stopped two floors early. The doors opened and there stood the Commander. Could you stop running into him? Commander stepped inside, "Miss (Y\N)", he greeted. "Sir", you greeted back. The two of you were quiet as the turbo lift proceeded downwards. By this time your headache was really starting to bother you. The Commander noticed your discomfort, "Is everything alright?" he asked. You didn't mean to grab his attention, "Just a headache sir" you told him. Hopefully he wasn't going to lecture you or anything. "Are you dehydrated? Dehydration is the common cause of headaches", he told you. You sure it wasn't that. But you were on your way to get some water anyways. "I drink plenty of water Commander. My headaches are usually caused due to the fact I'm psychic. If I over use my abilities more than I'm used to, it gives me a headache" you told him honestly. No use hiding anything anymore. The Commander turned to look at you, "I see. Perhaps you should try meditating. It is a useful technique for Vulcans and it could help you in terms of your abilities" he said. Meditation. You would've honestly never thought of that. You knew you had to sit in a quiet space, close your eyes and then relax. But, you didn't know exactly how to meditate. You should look it up.

After leaving the turbo lift, you went straight to your room. The first thing you did was grab a cold refreshing water bottle from the fridge and chugged it. Not the whole thing in one go but about half of it. Now time to look up how to meditate. After doing some searching, you came across the basic of basics. Meditation was pretty much a way to clear you mind. First thing was to sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Easy enough. You should probably sit or you could possible fall asleep if you lied down. Next, close your eyes. Ok. After, was to breathe normally and take notice of how your body moves with each breathe. Sounds a bit too relaxing to be honest. Since you were new at this, you should start with only meditating for a few minutes. Then gradually increase your time. Let's get started.

You sat on the floor, with good posture and tried to meditate. It was going smoothly for about 5 minutes, until your mind started to wander. You caught yourself getting off focus. Though it did say to start meditating in short periods at first. Guess 5 minutes was all you could do for now. You wandered, does the Commander meditate? He suggested the idea and he said it was important for Vulcans. He's probably at a high mental level then you were. He probably could meditate for hours. Probably.

Was it true that mediation could help you? Maybe once you get it down you could focus on thinking about your abilities. You wouldn't know unless you tried mediating for a while. Though to be honest, it doesn't really seem like it would work. Perhaps Vulcans meditate in a different way. You really should ask the Commander about it. There is a possibility he could be on the bridge. Better check there first.

Upon arriving on the bridge, the Commander was right where you thought he was. He was at his station looking at something. Were you really going to disturb him now? He is working, you know. It would be rude. Or maybe you were just nervous. Must be. You approached him, your heart rate picking up. The Commander immediately noticed, he looked at you. "Miss (Y\N). Is there something I can assist you with?" he asked. You wondered why you were being so nervous. Not like he'll Vulcan pinch you if you said something to him. Was it his height that was intimidating or maybe his strong Vulcan demeanor? Probably both. "I was wondering Commander, if you can tell me more about Vulcan mediation" you said. Commander Spock stood up from his chair, "I have to go down to engineering to check on a current project, but I'd be delighted to inform you on the way. Care to join me?" he said. That was certainly from nowhere. At least he wants to talk to you, that's good.

On the way to engineering, the Commander explained the concept of Vulcan meditation. It was way more important to them for the sake of keeping their emotions in check. "Since this is new to you, it will take some time for your mind to adjust to it. If you practice regularly, it will be very beneficial for you", he explained. Looks like you'll have to add meditation to your schedule. "It will also help if you practice when you feel emotionally unstable. You want to adjust to feeling comfortable with meditating anywhere and anytime" Commander Spock continued. This was a lot of information to make note of, but if he insist to practice so much, then you will. As you arrived at your destination, you decided to excuse yourself. "Thank you Commander for the discussion. It was very helpful" you told him. Though you felt a little bad for always relying on him when you had questions. "It is no trouble at all Miss (Y\N). I am always willing to answer any questions you have. It is good that you ask instead of keeping important things to yourself" he told you. You couldn't help but smile. He was so nice for being so cold looking on the outside. He did say he would help you with learning about Vulcan culture.

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