chapter 5

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"Guess so" I repeated. 

"Princess Rose" we heard someone call, it was two guards. "Yes?" I asked. One guard coughed. "The queen would like to see you quickly" the guard answered "and could you five please go down, thank you." "Understood" the five bowed and ran off. "Yes, thank you sir" I thanked, running over to the Queen's room. 

I knocked on the door. "Permission to enter?" I asked. The Queen chuckled from behind the door. "Permission granted" she responded as I opened the door. She stood up, a smile plastered onto her face. 

"We'll talking while walking" she walked out of the door as I followed. "Now Rose" she spoke, "don't be alarmed, this is just about to." I nodded, "go on." She breathed out, "I know, you're young, but please, you must go along with this." she stated. "Why?" I asked, continuing to walk down the castle hallway. "You see" she started "my husband, he was killed in battle just after you were born." She sighed and looked up to the sky, a sad smile now taking over.

"But why?" I asked "why does this have anything to do with me?" She looked to the side and sighed once more. "You're the War Princess Rose" she stated "as much as you try to deny, you are the one Princess to one. Fight and two. You are also the only real royal to have vanished from this world. You need someone to take control of the kingdom, a good someone, someone who loves and cares for you." I looked at her. "Like Ottawa and Sydney's love?" I asked. "Yes" she smile. I twitched a little. "All they do is fuck!" I stated. "No" she chuckled "the love they share is what I meant." I breathed out. "But your highness" I started "love never liked me." She smiled, "That's because you never approached it and said hello." 



I breathed out once more. We walked into the ball room. Eden, Millie, Kulsoum, Amy, Ottawa, Sydney and Arachnid stood around, just randomly talking. "Rose" Amy exclaimed once she saw me. She ran up to me and hugged me, lifting me off the ground a little bit. "Whoa" I gasped "Amy." I laughed a little as she put me down. "When you get married, can we all be brides maids?" she asked. Arachnid looked a bit concerned. "Rose isn't going to get married yet, calm down" Arachnid pleaded, patting her on the shoulder. "Still" she looked at Arachnid but back to me "we'll still be your brides maids?" I sighed. "Yeah" I agreed "I guess so."

Guards ran around. Everyone just got ready. I tapped on my seat, bored and wanting to go back to bed. The queen came up to me, along with the Governess. "Put this on" the Governess order, handing me my crown. "Fine" I obeyed, placing the crown on my head. The queen smiled. "And take this for good luck" she recommended, handing me a black and red rose. I grabbed onto it but just decided to put it in my hair. 

They walked off. I sighed, slouching down in my seat, pushing my fist into my cheek. Arachnid looked over to me. "Sit up straight" she whispered to me. I did as I was told, sort of. Eden, Millie, Kulsoum, Amy and Arachnid stood next to my seat, sometimes looking over to me, hands behind their backs and standing straight up like soldiers. 

"Okay" Ottawa called "first one." Great. 

In walked in a short Japanese looking man, around fifteen, wearing a black military uniform. He got on his knees and placed his sword in front of him, a katana in fact. "Hello Princess of the Rose kingdom" he greeted "I'm am the Prince of the Samurai kingdom, Samurai Prince." The six of us looked down at him. "Rose Princess, I know you've faced war, your culture amazes me, you are truly a women who I would be honour to marry" he went on. I looked over to Amy, who stood next to me. "Good start" I whispered to her as she laughed.  

He finished. I guess I had to excuse him. I stood up. "Thank you Samurai Prince" I thanked "your presence was honourable." I bowed as he exited with a goodbye. 

I sat back down. "Your thoughts?" Arachnid asked. "Charming" I chuckled. 

Next came in a slight taller, Scandinavian looking Prince, around sixteen. He was very um...unique.

He bowed even though he seemed very casual with it. "My lady" he started "I am Valhalla Prince, Prince of the Valhalla kingdom. You seem like the girl who doesn't mind a bit of blood on her. A war Princess like you would mean more to me than all the ale I have, and I have a lot of ale." he paused. I felt obligated to speak. "How much ale?" I questioned "is it any good?" He grinned. "Obviously Princess, our kingdom has the best ale" he answered. He rambled on about himself and his kingdom, thank god Ottawa and Sydney came in.

"Until next time Princess" he bowed for the last time, exiting the room. I slouched back in my seat as the other five stretched a bit. 

The next one came in, an Arabian man, aged about seventeen, along with another one, probably his father. 

The prince bowed. "Desert Prince my lady" he greeted "I believe you've seen my castle already so I won't need to explain." I nodded. "Rose princess, I believe that I would make you're ideal man, please excuse my father here" he explained. "Excused" I spoke with a nod. He bowed again. "Thank you princess" he thanked. 

After a bit of rambling he was off, with a goodbye of course. Ottawa and Sydney walked in, Ottawa held a clip board type thing in his hand. "Okay there's one more prince for today and then we have a ball" Ottawa explained with a smile. We all nodded, get back to where we were suppose to be.

The last Prince for the day walked in, looked about seventeen, with white hair and a polar jacket, golden crown sitting on top of his head. He bowed.

"Snow Prince your highness" he started, that was a first, "if you can except a man, a kingdom, like mine then I would be honoured to be your husband." Well that was a overstatement. Again, like at the others, he went on, eve though they all seemed good hearted, why couldn't they just get to the point?

The suitors was over for today, thank god. It was already noon, four o clock in fact. The ball started at six, I obviously had to be ready by five. All of us breathed out before we started talking. "So the ball" Amy started. "Everybody staying in the same outfit?" Arachnid asked. We all nodded. "I'm not putting on another dress" Eden stated. I laughed, "that's an understatement." 

"Still Rose don't you have to say something?" Sydney asked. "No" I answered "The queen is. Since she thought everything in the world was practically falling on me." Sydney nodded. "We'd better get going then" Ottawa stated. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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