The First Dance Of the Season

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Yaya the first time learning the new choreography i am so exited, i hope i get the lead role(like always). 

"Hi Y/N you buzzing to find out your part" exclaimed Jess.  

"Yes i can't wait" shouted Y/N.

Teachers Saying:

Girls and boys settle down, as you can see we have a talented new boy joining us, Jack us who will be dancing the lead boy in the dance and Y/N will be dancing the lead girl.

"Don't you think he looks hot" whispered Jess.

"No he looks like a distraction" replied Y/N.

Teachers Saying: Jess keep up. Fabulous technique Jack. Keep that posture straight Y/N.

Y/N Point of view:

OMG wasn't Jack amazing his technique was flawless like mine and his facial expressions were emotional like mine it was like we were made for eachother, nevermind just forget i ever said that he is a distraction to me. If i want to go far in life then i will have to just block him out. It is so hard though when it is a romance and two people fight then end up loving each other. UHHHH this is going to be harder than i thought.

Dont mind that this is a duo and has a bit of the program at the beginning but i tried my best to find a dance routine that would match this story line. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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