Yukisada x Preteen reader x Shirogane ~I want to comfort~

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(long time no see, huh? Anyways i just wanted to warn that this is probably bad but i have had this idea since yesterday so just take this)

((Plus i have also sunk into Yukigane hell and it seems i can't get out from it, help)

You were living with two of your favorite people in the world which was Yukisada and Shirogane. You have lived with them for at least two years now but it feels like you have known them much more than that. It definitely didn't feel like you have known them for only two years.

You three had meet when you had washed ashore on their little island. Scared of what could happen if they didn't take you in they decided they would at least let you live with them for a while, waiting if someone you knew would come and get you.

Unfortunately you didn't have any memory of where you came from or who you really were. You didn't even know your own name. After some weeks they decided to let you live with them permanently since they thought no one would come and get you. They also gave you a name which is Y/N.

You soon adapted to the bittersweet cold and to your now legal guardians. It wasn't hard though since they were always nice to you and always made sure you felt safe and secure. You knew that some of the resevants on this island wasn't so nice so both Yukisada and Shirogane tried their best to protect you and shield you from it.

You weren't naive though and figured out which people was bad and which people you could hang out with. You didn't do it often though since nearly all of the people living here wasn't nice to your wolf friend so you would rather stay inside and ask Yuki about his many and odd doctor equipment or sit on the sofa with Shiro.

Due to this you didn't communicate with a lot of people and you basically shut out anyone that tried to talk to you if it wasn't Yuki or Shiro. It did bother Yuki a bit since he was worried that you wouldn't be able to bond with anyone else beside them. After some time he shrugged it off, thinking that when they were going to move one day you would be able to want and learn how to get out of your comfort zone.

You were still a very happy person and loved to spend time with the owl and the wolf. They were important to you so of course you wanted to be with them as much as you could. They seemed to not mind that you were a little bit clingy since they found this act of yours to be very sweet.

So tonight you were exhausted since you have helped Yuki to clean the house and you also helped Shiro with his fishing so you have been quite active today which you weren't used to. You were just about to fall asleep until you heard someone walk inside the house. You were a bit confused about this since you thought both the males was already inside so with that you opened your eyes once again and listened in.

It wasn't someone unknown it seemed since you recognized the small quivering sniffle come from the familiar boy. It was Shirogane. You still remained in your bed though until you heard someone else, which you knew was Yuki, lead him into his own room. Now you decided to sit up on the bed and walk quietly to the direction of the arctic wolf's room.

You saw that the door wasn't completely shut and you sneaked beside it, listening in. You knew that eavesdropping like this wasn't okay but you knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep anyways if you didn't know what was going on. You simply couldn't ignore what was going on.

You heard Shiro talk very quietly to the other boy, saying things like he was 'hopeless' and 'useless' and that he was no good to anyone. Yuki, as always, tried to cheer him up by saying that it wasn't true and that some of the people here was just a bit rude and that they didn't realize what they were actually saying.

Shiro as usual didn't buy that at all and continued to belittle himself, his crying becoming a bit more louder and even more unstable. You carefully sneak peeked and saw that Yuki was comforting the wolf, holding him in his arms tightly. You wanted to go in but you knew that would make things worse considering that you were just a kid.

The thought about that made your fist clench slightly as you leaned on the wall once again, looking up at the roof with a sadden look in your eyes. You thought that you couldn't help them because you were a kid and that thought made you feel completely and utterly useless. Yuki interrupted your thoughts by saying to Shiro that he was going to make some hot coco to him. Your whole body perked up and you felt your heartbeat quicken.

You quietly but quickly managed to escape from the two of them but as soon as you were about to go in to your room you heard the familiar owl's voice say "Oh, are you up Y/N?". You turned your head to him, thinking about a excuse. "Ah... well i was downstairs and drank some water" you smiled at him as an attempt to hide your guilt which was basically painted on your face and in your eyes.

Yuki tilted his head and smiled a gentle and small smile. "Really?" he asked and you felt your heart beat quicken even more. "Y-Yeah...." you mumbled. "I'm sorry to say this but you are a bad liar" he spoke almost a little to happily. You sighed out, deciding to drop your act. The owl approached you and crouched slightly so you and him were face to face. "You eavesdropped on us, didn't you?" he asked and you simply nodded, looking down slightly. "It's okay, no need to look so guilty about it, you just wanted to know what was going on" he spoke and put his soft hand gently on your head, ruffling your hair softly which made you shift your eyes once again to him. "C-Can i..." you stopped yourself in mid sentence as you looked down once again. Yukisada, already knowing what you were going to say simply nodded.

"Yes, you can go and comfort him" he simply said, ruffling your hair softly once again. With that you walked past Yuki and went straight into Shirogane's room. You saw he was in his cloak as he had a sad yet emotionless expression placed on his face. You approached him quietly, seeing that he eyed you a bit. You could also see a slight surprise wash over his eyes but you decided to ignore it.

You sat on the bed and you immediately started to pet his head softly and with a small smile you said "It's okay". The wolf looked down at you with still surprise present in his black orbs. You took him in his arms which required you to sit on your knees instead due to your height difference. This lead to that the wolf boy had his face against your shoulder and you rested your head against his. You petted him slightly, taking your fingers through his hair and telling him all the good things you thought of him. This action made the wolf tear up once again as he took his arms around your smaller frame, holding you close and burying his face against your shoulder. You heard his quiet whimpers which made your heart ache slightly. "it's okay" you continued to reassure him. "I-I'm so... s-so sorry..." you suddenly heard. "I...I tried to be strong but... b-but in the end i still ended up being w-weak... i-i'm sorry" he spoke, his voice breaking softly.

You took the wolf closer to you. "It's okay, seeing you cry like this will not change my image of you" you simply spoke affectionately which made the wolf in your arms hold you tighter if that was even possible. Later Yukisada finally came back with a tray of warm chocolate in his hands. You looked back which made Shiro also raise his look slightly. Without a word he simply put the tray on Shiro's nightstand he sat down on the bed with the two of you, putting his hand on Shiro's shoulder softly. "see? It's fine now. We both are here and nothing can hurt you now" he spoke so very softly and lovingly which made the wolf nod.

Somehow you all three ended up sleeping together on the bed. You being in between the wolf and the owl, holding you softly in their arms.

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