Odd Feelings

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Dear Justin,

Hey dear. Going to the doctor. I haven't been feeling very well for the past few weeks. My stomach just feels weird, and I get slight cramps some mornings. This morning I puked, so your mom's taking me to the doctor to get me checked out. Don't freak out (even though I'm sure you did after you read the second sentence) I'll be fine. I'm sure I just have the stomach flu.

No biggy!

How's bootcamp? Fun? You making friends? Hope no girlfriends! Kidding, kidding. Your mom got me a notebook, so now I can write longer letters! This one will be short though, since I'm writing it while going to the doctor. (Once again, Don't freak out)

I love you baby! <3


'She's going to the doctor?' I think as I tuck the letter into my new hiding spot, the bottom of my suitcase, in a secret pocket I found the day after the guys beat me for earning them more laps. My arms were covered in bruises, and my nose is broken. I didn't want to add that in my letter back to Grace.

No need for her to worry about me, although I worry about her. Millions of questions swarm in my head, all of them connecting in one way: Why is she going to the doctor?

Grace is sick! I'm not there to comfort her! My heart fell to my feet, and I could feel a painful, gaping hole inside my chest at the thought of Grace having a stomach flu, while sitting in my bedroom. I should be there, holding her in my arms! I should be there, making her chicken noodle soup! Cleaning her clothes! Getting her medicine!

I should be taking her to the doctor! Not my mom. I put my head in my hands, angered at myself for leaving Grace like that.

Don't freak out. I'll be fine...

I looked over at my suitcase, and nodded. Grace told me not to freak out, that she'll be fine. She was feeling fine when she dropped me off at the airport. I'm sure, even if I didn't leave to go into the military, she'd get the stomach flu.

'She'll be fine.' I thought confidently.

"Room inspection!" Officer Richard's voice boomed. I flattened my bed spread clear of rinkles, and stood at attention next to my bunk-bed mate. Same situation as before, but this time, no letters to be seen. My suitcase was zipped up all the way, and tucked under my bed neatly. I double checked before coming to attention.

Officer Richard did the same rutien as before. Looked at all the boy's beds. He paused at mine, like before, and my heart dropped further to the floor.

'What did I forget this time?' I thought as Officer Richard's pause by my bed lingered on.

"Good job, Bieber." he said, and passed my bed. I let out a sigh of relief, and Officer Richard ratted out another boy about his bed having rinkles. I felt a small smile spread across my face.

This time, it was him who was getting sent to the hospital, and finally not me.


Dear Grace,

Your going to the doctor!? For what reason? Stomach flu?! I feel so bad! I should be there with you! I'm so sorry I'm not! The minute I get home, I'm taking you out somewhere special, as an apology! I promise!

No, I haven't made any friends yet. The guys here are rough, Grace. Right now they are all chasing a room mate, because he earned us more laps because his bed wasn't made properly. Last week it was me they were chasing. Yea, my officer found one of your letters, and...it wasn't pretty.

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