Chapter 5

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As we landed Hunter saw that I had a shadow where a shadow shouldn't be. He demanded, "Show yourself!" I looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked perplexed. Hunter pointed his sword at my shadow. "So?" I asked, still confused. "That is the creeping shadow we saw in the castle, not yours, there is no light to make a shadow." The shadow became a solid figure, and I gasped for it was the boy I had seen in my dreams. "Who are you and what do you want?" Hunter asked incredulously. I answered before he had time, "You are the boy in my dreams, but who are you?" I asked. Hunter gave me a look that was full of questions. We both just stared at the boy in front of us and waited for an explanation.

He said nothing; he just stared at me for a while. His eyes looked so familiar. It was so creepy because I knew he came with that evil sorcerer Gonzo. I knew he had to be evil, but there was something so familiar about him. What was it? As they stood there in awkward silence, suddenly I realized where I had seen those eyes. They were the eyes of my father.

Once again I asked, "Who are you?" He finally spoke, "My name is Shadow, I am Gonzo's apprentice, and you, my lady, are not safe, but I will not hurt you. You have been in my dreams as well, and I don't know why. Why would Gonzo want to hurt your family? Today is my 16th birthday, we should be having a party, but no, he wants to come destroy a castle. So, may I ask, who are you? Why does Gonzo want to destroy your family? What did you do to him?"

"I am Princess Jewel, of Amethyst. My parents are the King and Queen of this kingdom, whom your Gonzo has just turned to stone. Today is also my 16th birthday. Now, that my kingdom has been turned to stone, a party is highly unlikely. Thanks for ruining my birthday. I have never heard of Gonzo, so I didn't do anything to him. Why does he want to destroy my family, I was hoping you could enlighten me about that, since you know him." I said angrily.

"What makes you so special? That my master would attack you, and completely forget my birthday!?!" He was picking up on my anger now, and I could sense it rising. I probably would have tackled the brat if Hunter hadn't intervened. "Okay, let's just calm down, and take a deep breath." I looked at Shadow accusingly. "Fine, but this is far from over." I said angrily, "I agree." Shadow said with the same tone of voice. Then Hunter did something so unexpected that both Shadow and I lost our anger for each other for a moment. Hunter actually started laughing! I looked at him like he was crazy, and Shadow did likewise. "You two!" Hunter said while trying to stop laughing, "You two are acting like your siblings having an argument!" I blinked, too stunned to say anything.

Hunter was leaning up against a tree for support. That's when I remembered the sword he had earlier. It was still in his hand. I turned my anger at him, and asked the ton of questions that I had for him. "Oh yeah, like siblings? Well, would you like to please explain to me why you have a sword, and where it came from?" Hunter looked down at his sword and his smile faded.

"Alright, I guess there is no way I can hide the truth anymore." He said, "I am a knight in training, my mother is the sorceress Athena. My mother was really close with your parents. When I was 14 my mother told me to talk to your father about becoming a knight, and I did. He told me that I was to protect you at all costs. He had it arranged that I meet you at a party, and I did. At first you were my mission, then we became really close, and I wanted to tell you, but your father wouldn't allow it." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"And the sword," He said, holding it out for me to see. He grasped the handle and twisted it. The sword shrank until it was a ring with a lion's head on it. He then twisted the lion's head on the ring and it grew back into a sword.

First, my parents were attacked and turned to stone, along with everything and everyone I had ever cared about. Then I met the boy in my dreams, only to find out I couldn't stand him. And now this, my best friend Hunter, whom I have known forever, turns out to have been lying to me this whole time. I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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